Author: C.J. Collier

  • Gallery upload app

    So. I have this g1. And I know enough Java to be dangerous. And I have a gallery instance running on my domain. I’ve been having problems with my image upload apps being yoinked out from under me while I’m using them. They either stop working or want to charge me money to continue using…

  • how do I explain to a 2-year-o…

    how do I explain to a 2-year-old that getting scratched, stung, and bitten was not entirely the fault of the cat, bee and hamster…?

  • @migueldeicaza: too late! I’v…

    @migueldeicaza: too late! I’ve already created him an account. muahahahahaha.

  • @migueldeicaza: hey. sam need…

    @migueldeicaza: hey. sam needs a wiki account.

  • @NaFun: Me, too!

    @NaFun: Me, too!

  • @bgoldy: I thought those were …

    @bgoldy: I thought those were something entirely different from what they actually are

  • Sorry for the downtime

    One of my servers (and co-incidentally, the one on which this blog is hosted) was down for the last week. I ran out of space on / and created a new lv to store the contents of /usr. I named the lv dom0-usr but referred to it as amd0-usr in /etc/fstab. It didn’t boot so…

  • Bugzilla needs a JSON-RPC implementation in JS under MPL or compatible

    Likely released under MIT/X11 or the Mozilla Public License. I’m looking around to find one. Maybe Mono has one in the AJAX contribution it recently received from Microsoft. It’s licensed under Ms-PL, though, so I don’t know if it qualifies. Thoughts? Do you know of one? Thanks.

  • libvirt patch accepted

    Whee. I submitted a patch to libvirt to include ARM machines in the capabilities list. Folks should now be able to create arm hosts with less hassle. Since Lenny, Debian has officially supported the arm architecture. I’ll write up a HOWTO for getting a qemu VM online. I plan to use this to develop Mono…

  • Is Boycott Novell interested in fixing the problem?

    Roy, Would you like to work with me to fix the US patent system? I sure would like it if you’d stop saying mean things about the most active and effective Free Software developers I know. If we have to fix the broken patent system in order for you to stop giving F/OSS a black…