Author: C.J. Collier

  • A plea to wealthy cats

    My new boss asked that we spread the word on our blogs about this. I think it’s for a good cause. If you’re serious about helping autistic kids, though, check out Lars’ company, TeachTown:

  • Monocast II

    This week’s monocast features a charming and debonaire, sophisticated and well spoken guest. With great hair. You should really listen. Hi, mom. MonoCast Forums Subscribe: MonoCast AAC MonoCast MP3 MonoCast OGG

  • Monocast 1.0

    Sorry for the delay in this production. It was mostly my fault. We just about had it one night, but then I forgot my headset at work. I’m such a dork. So. With no further ado, RevFry’s MonoCast Subscribe: MonoCast AAC MonoCast MP3 MonoCast OGG

  • Morewellian

    A friend of mine and I were talking about working at the evil empire and the politics, culture and happenings that occur there. She said that she felt that has an Orwellian feeling to it. She quickly retorted, saying that it was more than Orwellian. It was Morewellian! I thought this was quite humorous, and…

  • SD Times article about Mono

    —–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 Sorry Matt, Miguel was on vacation and I took charge while he was gone. My apolgies for letting your bug slip through the cracks. I was busy with work work. If that link does not work, it is likely because you do not have an account on our…

  • Virtual Reality software

    I, like Jeff B., have been caught up in the wake of Second Life. I haven’t spent a lot of time logged in to their official client, though. I created a user on their web form and verified that it does, in fact, work on my mac laptop. The reason I registered a user was…

  • What has tseng been up to?

    08:35 <@cj> tseng: more with the addition of content to the aggregator! 55 days ago? get on it! :) 08:35 < tseng> cj: :( 08:36 < tseng> cj: i can blog last-exit 3 now that iain finally rolled the tarball 08:36 < tseng> its been over 55 days since i started working on it :/…

  • WP vandalism logs

    For those of you out there in the law enforcement biz, go sic ’em. $ traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets 1 ( 0.552 ms 0.398 ms 0.287 ms 2 ( 0.594 ms 0.595 ms 0.853 ms 3 ( 0.611 ms 0.513 ms 0.435 ms 4…

  • Prims XSD alpha, pre-release

    The libsecondlife (libsl) team is putting together an XML schema doc to describe the format of the 3d objects it will use to present the second life world to its users. This XSD will enable libsl to have a hardened API to create and manipulate 3d objects, whether they are presented to the user via…

  • RIP, lilo

    I just discovered that my friend and mentor, lilo passed away on Saturday, the 16th of September. He was struck by a car while riding his bike. I haven’t quite come to terms with the loss. He meant a lot to many people. I wouldn’t be where I am if it were not for him.…