Author: C.J. Collier

  • State of the C.J. – 20060625

    C.J. Blathers about recent major changes in his life. Mail me for credentials.

  • Quake mdl loader bits and a (more) managed gtkglarea-sharp

    So… Now that I’m unemployed, I’ve got a few minutes to work on some mono stuff. I’ve committed a quake .mdl file loader to the GtkGLAreaSharp examples directory. I’ve got plans to display the model using the framework, but that’s not quite finished yet. On #mono today, someone asked for an interesting feature. They think…

  • Wall Street Cred

    So… I don’t normally read the Wall Street Journal, but I was sitting in a waiting room for a few hours yesterday and the security guard, noticing that I was bored, brought me a copy. I read the table of contents and browsed to an article on network neutrality. For those of you who didn’t…

  • Network Neutrality in a nutshell

    Network Neutrality is a term used to encompas the need for a balanced playing field on the Internet. Proponents for neutrality claim that having a tiered infrastructure will create a hierarchy of “haves” and “have nots.” The perceived problems would be similar to U.S. politics’ main problem: everyone has an equal vote; but those with…

  • Shaking things up

    It’s been a hectic week, and it’s only Tuesday. My wife and I recently made a decision to move on from MySQL. My passion is software development, and my experience doesn’t lend itself well to database development. Therefore, I’m returning to Amazon on Monday, if my intel is correct. Through a strange series of coincidences,…

  • New release of DBD::mysql (v3.0004)

    Patrick released a new version of the perl MySQL connector. This .pm was my introduction to the mysql world, way back in the day. If you can program your way out of a perl brown paper bag and you haven’t used this tool yet, I recommend you write a hello world program to get familiar…

  • MaxDB Synchronization Manager User Report

    United Drugs had occasion to use the Synchronization Manager in production at this year’s convention. Mark Thomas (of United Drugs) and the MaxDB team at MySQL have been getting a use case document together to present the experiences. We had a great deal of help from the SyncMan dev team at SAP Berlin and Chris…

  • GtkGLArea-Sharp update

    Last night, Hannah was visiting a friend and Scarlet went to bed early. I spent a couple of hours bringing my mono development environment back up to a working state and verified that the gtkglarea-sharp still builds with the current mono. All’s good. I made some changes to the wiki documentation, reflecting my appointment as…

  • Interaction

    Hey all. Please comment on this entry. I’m trying to get an idea of who’s listening to what I say. Why do you read this blog? Are you interested in community wireless networks? OpenGL development on Linux? Family? Business Intelligence? Synchronizaton Manager news? Freecycle™ development? Random Perl bits? Something else I’ve forgotten about? I’m finding…

  • Goodbye, Peter Z!

    Today, we had a going-away lunch for one of the local MySQL guys, Peter Z. I had a picture taken. From right to left: Peter, Karen, Kelly, Joe, Larry and yours truly.