Category: pre-release

  • Ironruby tarballs available

    Ivan has been doing some great work on the Mono/IronRuby continuous integration server recently. He and Ankit got xbuild support integrated, and now we have new tarballs being generated for each build. You can find them here: I’ll be using these tarballs as the ‘upstream’ source for the upcoming debian packages of IronRuby. I…

  • repository thoughts

    15:58 < cj> lluis: since my friend isn’t online to bounce ideas off of, how ’bout I ask you? :) 15:59 < lluis> cj: heh, ok 15:59 < cj> a first pass would be a web form that takes some information about a package and stores it to a database. those data are exposed via…

  • From Lang.NET 2008 – Tuesday

    0834 No snow today. The commute was easy. Last night, I downloaded the DLR and worked with it a little. I’ve hosted a gzipped binary version of the assembly on as well as a bzip2ed tarball of the source. A quick google search tells me that the OSI has approved the Microsoft Public License…

  • hello world in perl6 with parrot

    $ mkdir -p /usr/src/svn/perl/parrot && \ cd /usr/src/svn/perl/parrot/ && \ svn co && \ cd trunk && \ perl Makefile.PL && \ make && \ cd languages/perl6/ && \ make && \ ../../parrot perl6.pbc say “hello world” hello world ^D $ perl -e ‘ open my $helloFH, q{>}, “hello.p6″; my $newline=” “; print $helloFH…

  • currently 153 release critical bugs in etch. Get to it.

  • Prims XSD alpha, pre-release

    The libsecondlife (libsl) team is putting together an XML schema doc to describe the format of the 3d objects it will use to present the second life world to its users. This XSD will enable libsl to have a hardened API to create and manipulate 3d objects, whether they are presented to the user via…