Category: music

  • I think I just accidentally the whole Seattle EDM scene

    It was unintentional, I promise. PS, what are you doing the night before Samhain this year? Feel like giving me and my bike a ride to Bellingham?

  • Logs from talk with Daniel & Zalmai

    I had a phone conversation with Daniel Mills and Zalmai Zahir today in order to vet our test sentences for ling 567. I’ve got to say that Daniel is really showing his worth as a linguist here. I’m happy to bask in his glow and make sure the fonts render right. Go Daniel! The write-up…

  • Well, that was an eventful day!

    *whew* I did a bunch of things yesterday. We took our kindergärtner to her first Friday at her new school (and were about 10 minutes tardy. oops). We then took our toddler to a nearby playground with swings and slides and let her expend some energy. After she had been sufficiently exercised, we walked back…

  • Randal Schwartz interviews Michael Foord about IronPython

    The FLOSS Weekly folks (including my homie, Randal) just published this week’s interview. It is with Michael Foord, who I just met a couple weeks ago. He published a book about IronPython. He mentions Mono, the DLR and IronRuby, too ;)

  • Matthew Broderick broke The Music Man.

    I was reading Lefty’s recent blog post and was reminded (by way of a certain scene) of being pissed off by Broderick’s s/egg/globe/ in the 2003 production of The Music Man. I was going to put the following in the comments, but I decided not to in order to keep the conversation on topic :)…

  • Audacity – Still the first Google™ result!

    Take that, Barack! Free Software is still more important on the intarwebs than your book :) Anyway, I’m going to test out this here mic…

  • Oh noes! Guitar Hero is trying to get me!

    So. One of my policies has been “don’t knock it ’till you’ve tried it.” I made an exception to this rule and privately knocked Guitar Hero. I want to apologize now for this misdeed. Maybe if I apologize, the ads for it will stop. Oh, please. Also, someone play it with me, so I can…

  • Mono stuff

    1) A.J. is writing unit tests against Microsoft.Xna. We’ll use these unit tests as a sort of specification for Mono.Xna. Same as the perl6 smoke tests. 2) Speaking of perl6, I saw Audrey Tang at work the other day. She’s traveling around working on the bits. She’s planning to visit Boston and Ximian on May…

  • Monocast II

    This week’s monocast features a charming and debonaire, sophisticated and well spoken guest. With great hair. You should really listen. Hi, mom. MonoCast Forums Subscribe: MonoCast AAC MonoCast MP3 MonoCast OGG

  • Monocast 1.0

    Sorry for the delay in this production. It was mostly my fault. We just about had it one night, but then I forgot my headset at work. I’m such a dork. So. With no further ado, RevFry’s MonoCast Subscribe: MonoCast AAC MonoCast MP3 MonoCast OGG