Category: ubuntu

  • Using SonarQube 5.4, Maven 3.3.9, Jenkins 2.19.1 on systems with both Java 1.7 and 1.8

    Hello folks! My team spent hours and hours beating our head against a Sonar deployment problem on Ubuntu Trusty (14.04 LTS). I thought I might share our findings so that you won’t have to! As you probably know, Trusty only makes Java Development Kit 1.7 available on the stock installation. The current stable version of…

  • OpenDaylight Symposium 2016

    I’ll write this later.  Keywords and notes inline Cloud 5G AT&T Ericsson SDN Cisco Intel Linux Debian Ubuntu Open Source Hydrogen Helium Lithium OSI stack Usability Developers and users working together. Fast Dev/Test cycles Sessions start at 10:30 Message bus Minimal install needs to be smaller Most functionalities must be implemented in modules Upgrade…

  • virt manager cannot find suitable emulator for x86 64

    Looks like I was missing qemu-kvm. $ sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm qemu-system

  • LLC-Technologies-Collier/Demo-SCCC-Byte-AngularJS

    Hello dear readers and attendees, This is the post that I will be/ will have been referencing during my presentation to the Seattle Central Community College’s Byte club on Thursday, December 10th at 1500-1630. I will begin with a bit of an autobio and find out what kind of students we have in attendance. Please…

  • Regarding fdupes

    Dear readers, There is a very useful tool for finding and merging shared permanent storage, and its name is fdupes. There was a terrible occurrence in the software after version 1.51, however. They removed the -L argument because too many people were complaining about lost data. It sounds like user error to me, and so…

  • Trip Report: UW signing-party

    Dear Debian Users, I met last night with a friend from many years ago and a number of students of cryptography. I was disappointed to see the prevalence of black hat, anti-government hackers at the event. I was hoping that civilized humanity had come to agree that using cryptography for deception, harm to others and…

  • Long Term Stable – 2014.04 @ 20141204T080801

    It’s been one of those nights: cjac@ubuntu0:/data/apps/prod$ sudo apt-get upgrade Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done Calculating upgrade… Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. cjac@ubuntu0:/data/apps/prod$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done Calculating upgrade… Done 0…

  • OpenVPN configs with inline data

    I’ve been issuing a lot of x.509 certs and OpenVPN user configurations lately, and I came across something that has reduced the complexity quite a bit. It seems that OpenVPN configuration files can now include data inline. So rather than generating and distributing the following for each user: a configuration file a chain of CA…

  • Debian on Sheeva Plug internal NAND flash

    After a bit of work, I got the sheeva plug working the way I wanted it to. First of all, I grabbed a spare 1G USB flash disk I had laying around and installed Debian squeeze to it by following tbm’s instructions here: After debian was installed to the USB disk, I removed it…

  • Building libvirt on CentOS5 (incomplete)

    Much thanks to Brett for the pointers on rpm-fu. $ sudo yum install \ xen-devel \ xhtml1-dtds \ hal-devel \ libpcap-devel \ cyrus-sasl-devel \ parted-devel \ numactl-devel \ avahi-devel \ slang-devel \ libvolume_id-devel \ openldap-devel # device-mapper-devel \ # xmlrpc-c-devel \ for pkg in \ libssh2-devel-1.2.5-1.el5.pp.x86_64.rpm \ libssh2-1.2.5-1.el5.pp.x86_64.rpm \ libssh-0.2.1-0.2.svn193.el5.pp.x86_64.rpm \ libssh-devel-0.2.1-0.2.svn193.el5.pp.x86_64.rpm do wget…