Category: snow

  • From Lang.NET 2008 – Tuesday

    0834 No snow today. The commute was easy. Last night, I downloaded the DLR and worked with it a little. I’ve hosted a gzipped binary version of the assembly on as well as a bzip2ed tarball of the source. A quick google search tells me that the OSI has approved the Microsoft Public License…

  • From Lang.NET 2008 – Monday

    Monday 0815 So here I am. It snowed last night, so the drive down was a little crazy. I’ve arrived. They say I represent “Collier Technologies” instead of “” I hope nobody at work minds. The network is up, people are arriving, we were offered a continental breakfast, and things are going to get started…

  • Man, that sucks

    I’ve dropped from a google pagerank of 7 to 5. I need to be more interesting, it seems. So, things… Unit testing with Perl is fun. You should all take a look at petdance‘s WWW::Mechanize and Test::WWW::Mechanize. If one were to want to make a bot to grab all of one’s financial data from one’s…

  • Snowing in everett

    beginning to look a lot like….