Category: C.J. Insider

  • From Lang.NET 2008 – Tuesday

    0834 No snow today. The commute was easy. Last night, I downloaded the DLR and worked with it a little. I’ve hosted a gzipped binary version of the assembly on as well as a bzip2ed tarball of the source. A quick google search tells me that the OSI has approved the Microsoft Public License…

  • From Lang.NET 2008 – Monday

    Monday 0815 So here I am. It snowed last night, so the drive down was a little crazy. I’ve arrived. They say I represent “Collier Technologies” instead of “” I hope nobody at work minds. The network is up, people are arriving, we were offered a continental breakfast, and things are going to get started…

  • Lang.NET 2008

    A few months ago, Mahesh Prakriya stopped by Amazon to discuss the recently merged IronPython project and the changes that it inspired in Microsoft’s .NET implementation. We exchanged email, and he invited me to this year’s Lang.NET symposium. I plan to look for volunteers to contribute to a Perl 6 implementation targeted to the CLI.…

  • RIP (Mary) Norma Coggin Adams

    (Sourced from, with corrections) Norma Coggin Adams HAMPTON — Norma Coggin Adams, 79, of 26 Dearborn Ave., died Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2008, in Exeter Hospital. She was born Nov. 29, 1928, in Lynn, Mass., the daughter of the late John and Esther (Stolpe) Coggin. She was a 1946 graduate of Lynn English High School.…

  • RIP Miles Dudley Adams

    [ Originally published on: Thursday, January 03, 2008 in the Daily Hampshire Gazette ] NORTHAMPTON – Miles Dudley Adams, 18, died Dec. 30 at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield from injuries incurred after being struck by a motor vehicle on Interstate 91. Born in Northampton on March 20, 1989, Miles lived the first seven years…

  • Holy pull-my-pants-down, Batman!

    It looks like Adobe Creative Suite 3 kicks your security in the nuts while it installs its call home software. It sounds as if it a) doesn’t ask for permission to shut your firewall down, b) doesn’t inform you that it is shutting your firewall down and c) doesn’t bring your firewall back up when…

  • Moved groups at AMZN

    I moved to the “Merchendising Applications” group at Amazon. I’m ramping up, but it looks like this group has the potential to make a very large positive impact on the quality of the site. I’m doped up on pain meds, so I’m going to stop now before I start breaking things…

  • Article on Paco

    Paco, a friend of mine and fellow contributor to the Mono project was recently covered in an article in the Ft. Worth/Dallas Start Telegram. Paco’s an inspiration to a lot of us. He recently joined up with the Air Force reserves and is stationed at Lackland airforce base. Paco’s son, Paquito was shot and killed…

  • Why can’t I communicate on cell phones with static?

    I was thinking… When there’s echo on the line or when I can hear breathing, I respond with silence and a delay to see whether the line is clean. This reminds me of [[CSMA/CD]]. Ha. My communication system is like a computer networking device.

  • Man, that sucks

    I’ve dropped from a google pagerank of 7 to 5. I need to be more interesting, it seems. So, things… Unit testing with Perl is fun. You should all take a look at petdance‘s WWW::Mechanize and Test::WWW::Mechanize. If one were to want to make a bot to grab all of one’s financial data from one’s…