Category: investment

  • A harowing upgrade

    I just dist-upgraded the blog server to jessie. A couple of errors from code with checks for which modules are enabled from .htaccess (deprecated and now obsolete behavior). Nothing all that rocky. Go team Debian!

  • SELinux on Wheezy

    So, Collier Technologies LLC needs to pass annual audits to operate a certification authority recognized by the SoS. To this end, I’m working with the fine group of developers who maintain SELinux. It seems that the configuration of Xorg that I’m using while typing this here blog post does not have a policy set up…

  • Filing to become a licensed CA

    —–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 All Operative Personnel employed by Collier Technologies LLC, known here as the Certification Authority or CA, must also be licensed as notaries public by the local government where they reside during any act performed on behalf of the CA. In addition to passing the Washington State Operative Personnel Exam,…

  • Obama: Solving our financial crisis

    Mr. Obama asked that this video be shared. To see the video on their site, click here. It also comes with a textual version, in case you like reading:

  • Invested in CTXS

    I just had my first vesting in work stocks. I sold a few and re-invested some of the proceeds in Citrix, who plans to purchase XenSource, the employer of Keir Fraser, Tim Deegan, James Bulpin and Ian Campbell, the primary contributors to the development branch of the xen source tree for the last month, and…