Category: CLI

  • IronRuby stuff

    I’ve been doing some work with the DLR team at Microsoft and the community of F/OSS developers they’ve inspired on IRC & the mailing lists. I’m providing a virtual host that is being used to perform continuous integration on Debian sid. The current status is here: Maybe we’ll make an IronPerl one of these…

  • repository thoughts

    15:58 < cj> lluis: since my friend isn’t online to bounce ideas off of, how ’bout I ask you? :) 15:59 < lluis> cj: heh, ok 15:59 < cj> a first pass would be a web form that takes some information about a package and stores it to a database. those data are exposed via…

  • Quest for the re-usable software grail

    Why should any more effort be put into building a system of re-usable software if The CPAN already exists and provides all of the tools necessary to create re-usable software?

  • Next article in the “Writing Free Software” series

    Hey all, I’m not certain what the next topic should be. I’ve got a few ideas. Could the interested parties let me know what they’re curious most about? documentation distributing .exe.config and .dll.config files inter-package dependencies using pkg-config creating sub packages test harnesses and the “check” target the debian/ directory and .deb packages … something…

  • Writing Free Software – Part 10: Subdirectories

    In this installment, I’ll cover creating different subdirectories for different parts of the code. We’ll move NDesk.Options.cs into an ndesk directory and Greeting.cs into a src directory. Some modifications need to be made to various pieces of the distribution in order for this to work out correctly. We’ll do the minimum required now and cover…

  • Writing Free Software – Part 9: Creating the wrapper script

    A previous post covered altering the install target so that it places the .exe assembly into the filesystem of the installer’s computer. In this part, we will cover creating the so-called “wrapper” script, which is the way recommended by the mono project’s application deployment guidelines to make the assembly executable on the system outside of…

  • Writing Free Software – Part 8: Exploring variables

    Introduction One of autotools’ primary purposes is to allow software to be built and installed on a wide range of platforms. The configure script is responsible for a great deal of this flexibility. When it is run, it interrogates the system on which it is being run to determine the features available. If required features…

  • Writing Free Software – Part 7: Creating a working install target

    Introduction This entry will show how to add the bits required for an install target. There are two pieces that need to be added to the target_DATA, which is a list of files associated with the target targetdir, which is the location where the above files will be installed Return to the workplace $…

  • Writing Free Software – Part 5: Consuming variables

    This one has to be quick folks. The family needs my support this evening ;) In the last episode, we created a simple and defined a variable, CSC. We didn’t change the Makefile other than re-naming it to In this article, we’ll simply show how to consume the variable which was defined in…

  • Writing Free Software – Part 4:

    In this section, we’ll create a minimalist, re-name our Makefile to, generate a configure script, and use this configure script to produce a Makefile. The end result won’t do much more than our manually-created Makefile. It will, however, allow us to make use of the autoconf and automake infrastructure in future lessons. So…