Category: network neutrality

  • SOPA response from Representative Rick Larsen, WA 2nd District

    Below is an email I received from Representative Rick Larsen‘s office. I don’t recall ever having identifying myself as PVT Adams-Collier in any communications with his office, though I could have done so at some point. Maybe. I also don’t recall contacting his office directly concerning SOPA. I blogged a few things and mentioned him…

  • Wall Street Cred

    So… I don’t normally read the Wall Street Journal, but I was sitting in a waiting room for a few hours yesterday and the security guard, noticing that I was bored, brought me a copy. I read the table of contents and browsed to an article on network neutrality. For those of you who didn’t…

  • Network Neutrality in a nutshell

    Network Neutrality is a term used to encompas the need for a balanced playing field on the Internet. Proponents for neutrality claim that having a tiered infrastructure will create a hierarchy of “haves” and “have nots.” The perceived problems would be similar to U.S. politics’ main problem: everyone has an equal vote; but those with…