Category: mono

  • does anyone else feel forced to produce crap?

    Management wants MORE RESULTS NOW NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!!!!! I feel like the world is telling me to give them more crap, less useful code! Does anyone else feel like business requirements are forcing them to produce lots of fluff rather than small amounts of quality content? Should I be concerned? Should I care…

  • IKVM basics

    So, I’m not much of a java guy, but I need to know how to get at the CLI, given a java interface. Let’s assume for brevity that one has an ubuntu machine available: $ sudo apt-get install ikvm ikvm-native icepick icepick-gcj …. $ mkdir hello-ikvm && cd hello-ikvm $ cat > class hello…

  • From Lang.NET 2008 – Wednesday

    0843 Alrighty… we’re online. I checked in on #debian-mono, and meebey had plenty of suggestions on how to fix the .deb. 0923 There’s a talk on IronRuby. Microsoft is implementing a Ruby compiler on the CLI. It uses the DLR to do the heavy lifting. It is currently slow :) Contributions are being accepted for…

  • From Lang.NET 2008 – Tuesday

    0834 No snow today. The commute was easy. Last night, I downloaded the DLR and worked with it a little. I’ve hosted a gzipped binary version of the assembly on as well as a bzip2ed tarball of the source. A quick google search tells me that the OSI has approved the Microsoft Public License…

  • From Lang.NET 2008 – Monday

    Monday 0815 So here I am. It snowed last night, so the drive down was a little crazy. I’ve arrived. They say I represent “Collier Technologies” instead of “” I hope nobody at work minds. The network is up, people are arriving, we were offered a continental breakfast, and things are going to get started…

  • Lang.NET 2008

    A few months ago, Mahesh Prakriya stopped by Amazon to discuss the recently merged IronPython project and the changes that it inspired in Microsoft’s .NET implementation. We exchanged email, and he invited me to this year’s Lang.NET symposium. I plan to look for volunteers to contribute to a Perl 6 implementation targeted to the CLI.…

  • I had to fill out a Bio today… here’s what I wrote.

    My background includes experience in system administration, network operation, technical support, and development of applications on server and client side. My primary operating system is Debian GNU/Linux. My primary programming languages are C# and Perl. I run a small family ISP on a not-for-profit basis: I am a “charter” member of a group originally…

  • gcc CLI front- and back-ends in svn

    Look ma! gcc is preparing to play nice with ECMA-335! I should really read more about it… my computer is compiling the branch right now while I work. The bit I’m most excited about is the potential to call into c++ libraries. Do the libraries all need to be compiled to IL, or can…

  • Producing relocatable packages with the GNU build system

    I’ve recently found a need to create relocatable versions of some of my favorite libraries (produced, not-so-coincidentally by the GNU build system). You might find yourself asking “What is relocatable software, and why should I care?” Maybe I can help. A piece of software is said to be “relocatable” when it does not rely on…

  • Article on Paco

    Paco, a friend of mine and fellow contributor to the Mono project was recently covered in an article in the Ft. Worth/Dallas Start Telegram. Paco’s an inspiration to a lot of us. He recently joined up with the Air Force reserves and is stationed at Lackland airforce base. Paco’s son, Paquito was shot and killed…