Category: 3d

  • Mono.Xna status

    Thank you _Alan_ for putting together this report on Mono.Xna’s implementation status. A quick overview is that we’ve got 95% of the methods stubbed out and maybe 1% fully implemented. Thank you jendave for your hard work on this!

  • my name in lights

    Hey, look. My name is mentioned down at the bottom. testing aggregator’s ability to de-dup this update

  • Isn’t the windows gtkglarea fancy?

    Updated @ 20061214T1717 Updated @ 20061215T1140

  • gtk and OpenGL

    I couldn’t sleep this morning. I woke up early and mostly watched Firefly. Between episodes, I hacked on gtkglarea and updated some of my bugs over at the gnome bugzilla system. I added a couple of components to the gtkglarea product page, namely build and docs. Next on my list of things to do for…

  • gtkglarea on win32

    After a long, long wait, GtkGLArea is now running on win32. I’ve put up a temporary package here until I merge the changes into cvs and put out an official package that plays nicely with the rest of the gtk+ platform. The next step, of course is GtkGLArea#, the C# wrapper around this library. And…

  • AIGLX – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    AIGLX – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bling.

  • Edgy

    Edgy’s working well for me now that I stopped attempting to get beryl & xgl working. It’s not production ready yet, folks :)

  • Mono stuff

    1) A.J. is writing unit tests against Microsoft.Xna. We’ll use these unit tests as a sort of specification for Mono.Xna. Same as the perl6 smoke tests. 2) Speaking of perl6, I saw Audrey Tang at work the other day. She’s traveling around working on the bits. She’s planning to visit Boston and Ximian on May…

  • Monocast II

    This week’s monocast features a charming and debonaire, sophisticated and well spoken guest. With great hair. You should really listen. Hi, mom. MonoCast Forums Subscribe: MonoCast AAC MonoCast MP3 MonoCast OGG

  • SD Times article about Mono

    —–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 Sorry Matt, Miguel was on vacation and I took charge while he was gone. My apolgies for letting your bug slip through the cracks. I was busy with work work. If that link does not work, it is likely because you do not have an account on our…