Category: games

  • I took this picture

    Could you folks please update my credentials? KTHXBI

  • Oh, no. What have I gotten myself in to?

    Thanks (?) rjbs ;-) SUSPENDED: INTERLOGIC Science Fiction Copyright (c) 1983 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved. SUSPENDED and INTERLOGIC are trademarks of Infocom, Inc. Release 8 / Serial number 840521 FC ALERT! Planetside systems are deteriorating. FC imbalance detected. Emergency reviving systems completed. You are now in control of the complex. SENSA INTERRUPT: Seismic…

  • Gotta’ get ’em all.

    And now I have them all. Maybe I can reduce the load on my wan pipe by setting up a mirror for the island.

  • Jenkara is building

    Okay… after this morning’s post, I decided to make Jenkara build. It is now. You can get it thus: $ svn co or $ wget You can build it with ye olde $ ./configure && make there’s no install target, so run it with $ cd src && ./jenkara but it doesn’t work…

  • GTK+ OpenGL work

    There’s an opening at Canonical that I’d like to take after the current contract is up. It’s an opening for a OpenGL dev on the Ubuntu desktop team. Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy working with my current group quite a bit. We’re building a pretty neat tool. However, building OpenGL into the GNOME desktop…

  • From Lang.NET 2008 – Tuesday

    0834 No snow today. The commute was easy. Last night, I downloaded the DLR and worked with it a little. I’ve hosted a gzipped binary version of the assembly on as well as a bzip2ed tarball of the source. A quick google search tells me that the OSI has approved the Microsoft Public License…

  • Man, that sucks

    I’ve dropped from a google pagerank of 7 to 5. I need to be more interesting, it seems. So, things… Unit testing with Perl is fun. You should all take a look at petdance‘s WWW::Mechanize and Test::WWW::Mechanize. If one were to want to make a bot to grab all of one’s financial data from one’s…

  • Oh noes! Guitar Hero is trying to get me!

    So. One of my policies has been “don’t knock it ’till you’ve tried it.” I made an exception to this rule and privately knocked Guitar Hero. I want to apologize now for this misdeed. Maybe if I apologize, the ads for it will stop. Oh, please. Also, someone play it with me, so I can…

  • gtkglarea on win32

    After a long, long wait, GtkGLArea is now running on win32. I’ve put up a temporary package here until I merge the changes into cvs and put out an official package that plays nicely with the rest of the gtk+ platform. The next step, of course is GtkGLArea#, the C# wrapper around this library. And…

  • Monocast II

    This week’s monocast features a charming and debonaire, sophisticated and well spoken guest. With great hair. You should really listen. Hi, mom. MonoCast Forums Subscribe: MonoCast AAC MonoCast MP3 MonoCast OGG