Is this thing on?
testing testing. one, two, three This is an edit to an already posted plog item.
gtkglarea on win32
After a long, long wait, GtkGLArea is now running on win32. I’ve put up a temporary package here until I merge the changes into cvs and put out an official package that plays nicely with the rest of the gtk+ platform. The next step, of course is GtkGLArea#, the C# wrapper around this library. And…
Someone asked recently….
Their question was “Why is VMS so much faster than Unix?” They of course used the new fangled words for “VMS” and “Unix,” but the idea was the same. The short answer is that it’s because they are different operating systems and that they focus on different consumers. The long answer is very long. It…
My kind of conservative
I was reading through my plog and came across this interview with Andrew Sullivan. I liked it, but it seems that I’m in the minority. :) http://xrl.us/tgd6 Take a look and let me know what you think. Here’s an excerpt to whet your apetite: Amazon.com: What’s your idea of faith? Sullivan: I do not believe…
My former CEO answers questions on Slashdot
It was my pleasure to work with MÃ¥rten Mickos, CEO of MySQL for about a year during 2005 and 2006. I was astounded by how involved he is with the employees and how well he keeps abreast of the goings-on in the company. He seems to be of the rare set who are not only…
A plea to wealthy cats
My new boss asked that we spread the word on our blogs about this. I think it’s for a good cause. If you’re serious about helping autistic kids, though, check out Lars’ company, TeachTown: http://web.teachtown.com/