Category: rumor mill

  • Is Boycott Novell interested in fixing the problem?

    Roy, Would you like to work with me to fix the US patent system? I sure would like it if you’d stop saying mean things about the most active and effective Free Software developers I know. If we have to fix the broken patent system in order for you to stop giving F/OSS a black…

  • Taking a job at MS

    So… next week, I start a contract with Microsoft in Redmond. I’ll be working on what seems like a fun project. I’ve enjoyed working at CarDomain for the last four months. Fun projects, a cohesive group, neat technology. I’m mostly moving on because a) I’ve been writing web pages for a long time and want…

  • does anyone else feel forced to produce crap?

    Management wants MORE RESULTS NOW NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!!!!! I feel like the world is telling me to give them more crap, less useful code! Does anyone else feel like business requirements are forcing them to produce lots of fluff rather than small amounts of quality content? Should I be concerned? Should I care…

  • Holy pull-my-pants-down, Batman!

    It looks like Adobe Creative Suite 3 kicks your security in the nuts while it installs its call home software. It sounds as if it a) doesn’t ask for permission to shut your firewall down, b) doesn’t inform you that it is shutting your firewall down and c) doesn’t bring your firewall back up when…

  • Monocast II

    This week’s monocast features a charming and debonaire, sophisticated and well spoken guest. With great hair. You should really listen. Hi, mom. MonoCast Forums Subscribe: MonoCast AAC MonoCast MP3 MonoCast OGG

  • Monocast 1.0

    Sorry for the delay in this production. It was mostly my fault. We just about had it one night, but then I forgot my headset at work. I’m such a dork. So. With no further ado, RevFry’s MonoCast Subscribe: MonoCast AAC MonoCast MP3 MonoCast OGG

  • SD Times article about Mono

    —–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 Sorry Matt, Miguel was on vacation and I took charge while he was gone. My apolgies for letting your bug slip through the cracks. I was busy with work work. If that link does not work, it is likely because you do not have an account on our…

  • GNOME Foundation broken?

    I heard a rumor today that the GNOME foundation is fundamentally broken. Thoughts? Why would someone say this? Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Aug/02 Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Jul/19 Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Jun/25 Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Jun/07 Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Mar/22 Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Mar/15 Minutes…