Mono.Xna status
Thank you _Alan_ for putting together this report on Mono.Xna’s implementation status. A quick overview is that we’ve got 95% of the methods stubbed out and maybe 1% fully implemented. Thank you jendave for your hard work on this! https://colliertech.com/~cjcollier/Mono/Xna/Status/20061221/FinalPage.html
my name in lights
Hey, look. My name is mentioned down at the bottom. http://www.go-mono.com/archive/1.2/#contributors testing aggregator’s ability to de-dup this update
currently 153 release critical bugs in etch. Get to it.
http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2006/12/msg00004.html http://bts.turmzimmer.net/details.php?bydist=etch
gtk and OpenGL
I couldn’t sleep this morning. I woke up early and mostly watched Firefly. Between episodes, I hacked on gtkglarea and updated some of my bugs over at the gnome bugzilla system. I added a couple of components to the gtkglarea product page, namely build and docs. Next on my list of things to do for…
Is this thing on?
testing testing. one, two, three This is an edit to an already posted plog item.
gtkglarea on win32
After a long, long wait, GtkGLArea is now running on win32. I’ve put up a temporary package here until I merge the changes into cvs and put out an official package that plays nicely with the rest of the gtk+ platform. The next step, of course is GtkGLArea#, the C# wrapper around this library. And…
spam is getting on my nerves again
I’m getting too many pieces of spam per diem, so I’ve turned on my “forward to the feds” procmail rule. Enjoy!
York Roe Softe
Someone told me the other day that I should stop calling it my database server. This lead me to thinking about a business being founded to sell the ether. Perhaps they could call themselves “York Roe Softe.” Fun times.