Category: mysql

  • Synchronization Manager: MySQL as replication destination

    Earlier this week, I wrote about the Synchronization Manager and gave a step-by-step tutorial on getting an initial scenario implemented. In this article, I’ll expand on the previous tutorial by introducing the concept of uni-directional synchronization. Uni-directional participants act as destinations for replicated data. These participants are sometimes called “slaves,” because they are not capable…

  • Creating a Synchronization Management Scenario

    This is a follow-up to my earlier article on the MaxDB Synchronization Manager. In the months since my prior article, the Synchronization Manager has proved itself production ready and capable of replicating real-world databases in demanding scenarios. Take the following as theoretical and emperical examples of such scenarios (not necessarily in that order): i) For…

  • On vacation

    So. I’m on vacation. But I’m thinking a bit about work-related stuff, like Raimi’s MySQL-related blog entries: In case any of you out there read German. I know enough to figure out that he’s got a link to me in it :) Mark Thomas has created a blog as well.