Author: C.J. Collier

  • Thunderbird is good.

    I just got a notification from Thunderbird telling me that it’s upgrading itself. Those of you paying attention to current events in the information security world just found out why Free/open source software is teh l33t. Were you watching, Eric?

  • Frontalot’s CD

    If you haven’t bought one, you should buy one.

  • Candy Mountain!!!!!!!

  • Second Life .prims project

    John of the libsl team has been working with the .prims XML 3d primitive format recently. I’ve been looking for a good, common XML format to serialize 3d data for a while. This looks like it might be what I’m looking for. On my libsl TODO list is a project to create a hardened specification…

  • Monocast 1.0

    So, Rev_Fry and I got together last night and did a couple of takes for the first Monocast. Rev and I will be attending the upcoming Mono Summit in MA on the 23rd and 24th. We figured that we should do a first show before we showed up so we can claim some listeners. The…

  • Frontalot’s blog

    Frontalot now has a blog. It’s here: Go read…

  • Special delivery

    Hello? Iraq? I have a large package of Freedom here… er, actually, we’re out of Freedom. We’ve substituted it with permanent military occupation. Will you sign here, please?

  • bugzilla compromised

    Yow. Go I’ve posted a bzip2’d ext3 image of the compromised (etch) OS here: bugzilla.img.bz2 List of packages installed on the machine here: bugzilla-packageList I’ll be pointing the authorities to it and providing any other logs required to track down the responsible party. Dear Carl Please read this message carefully. You are receiving this…

  • Holy crap John

    Quake3 is a lot of code. cjcollier@moonunit:~/src/svn/icculus/quake3/code$ find ./ | perl -e ‘my $sum = 0; while(){ chomp $_; next if $_ =~ m:/\.svn/:; next if -d $_; my @output = split(/ /, `wc -l $_`); my $numChars = $output[0]; $sum += $numChars; } print(“$sum\n”);’ 356407

  • The Stranger

    Dan refuses to acknowledge my request to have some of my work syndicated in his paper. Did I piss in his wheaties and not notice? Maybe it was that time that I submited tens to hundreds of thousands of votes for the tighty-whities competitor that he didn’t want to win?