Category: Uncategorized

  • Comcast does not support use of firefox with their chat client.

    user C.J. has entered room C.J.(Mon Oct 08 2007 00:36:24 GMT-0700 (PDT))> I want a copy of my billing history. analyst Michael has entered room Michael(Mon Oct 08 2007 00:39:15 GMT-0700 (PDT))> Hello C.J., Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Michael. Please give me one moment to review your information.…

  • Conservapedia: the wiki for the elite

    So, I’d heard a thing or two about this Conservapedia thing. It turns out that they don’t actually want any contributions or editorial review on most of their poorly written and obviously biased articles. Maybe the site administrators feel that a more [[facist]] approach to the concept of wikis is the way to go. In…

  • Xcode on Panther

    The most recent version of Xcode that works on Panther (10.3) is Xcode Tools 1.5. Woe is me. I need to upgrade.

  • Mono.Xna status

    Thank you _Alan_ for putting together this report on Mono.Xna’s implementation status. A quick overview is that we’ve got 95% of the methods stubbed out and maybe 1% fully implemented. Thank you jendave for your hard work on this!

  • A student from Scottland wants some sponsorship

    16:36 < paranoid> Hey this is an offchance, but I’m pretty bored… anyone know of any companys etc that would be interested in sponsoring a car to go accross europe in a chairty event next year?

  • Frontalot’s blog

    Frontalot now has a blog. It’s here: Go read…

  • bugzilla compromised

    Yow. Go I’ve posted a bzip2’d ext3 image of the compromised (etch) OS here: bugzilla.img.bz2 List of packages installed on the machine here: bugzilla-packageList I’ll be pointing the authorities to it and providing any other logs required to track down the responsible party. Dear Carl Please read this message carefully. You are receiving this…

  • Al Billings thinks I’m new But then… I guess in the schem of things, I am *sorta* new. Aren’t I? And look! We have someting in common… like, his https server doesn’t have a valid root cert: But in his case, perhaps it’s not intentional. Al?

  • Welcome Rachel

    My friend, Rachel Johnson, asked me some questions about “blogs,” and I ended up hosting one for her. Go forth and read :)

  • What is netvibes, and why is it linking to my wiki?

    So… I’m perusing my blogs. If any of you were under the impression that you can read this thing without me making not of it, get ready to have your bubble of ignorance burst. :) 907 unique addresses have been bombarding my blog since April 30th… I was wondering where all the bandwidth had been…