Category: dns

  • OpenDaylight Symposium 2016

    I’ll write this later.  Keywords and notes inline Cloud 5G AT&T Ericsson SDN Cisco Intel Linux Debian Ubuntu Open Source Hydrogen Helium Lithium OSI stack Usability Developers and users working together. Fast Dev/Test cycles Sessions start at 10:30 Message bus Minimal install needs to be smaller Most functionalities must be implemented in modules Upgrade…

  • I just realized how old these name servers are

    I guess I’ve had them around for a while… Maybe I should clean these up… cjac@ns1:~$ ls /lib/modules/ 2.6.18-4-xen-amd64colliertech.fw+0 2.6.32-5-amd64 2.6.24-19-xen 3.2.0-4-amd64 cjac@ns2:~$ ls /lib/modules/ 2.6.18-4-xen-amd64colliertech.fw+0 2.6.24-19-xen 2.6.32-5-amd64 cjac@ns2:~$ sudo rsync -aue ssh ns1:/lib/modules/`uname -r` /lib/modules I remember editing the .config file for that kernel and building it on my first ever 64-bit system back…

  • Vacation Tasks

    So, I’m taking vacation this week and next. Here’s a (partial) list of tasks that are left to do: Visit BC for NANOG 55 Work with Threshold Communications to verify interop is working as well as it seems to be Make sure the UTC has acknowledged receipt of our 2012 filing Complete move of storage…

  • More DLR work

    Ivan put up a hudson server on our winders box. Ankit helped me figure out the IronRuby xbuild build problems. I should probably try it on IronPython, too. I sent the ironruby-core list a patch to fix some case sensitivity issues. Some time in the near future, I’m going to get together a bug report…

  • AoE root for KVM guests

    Intro So. I’m trying to get familiar with libvirt and friends. To this end, I’ve set up a Lucid virtual machine booting from PXE into an initrd environment which does a pivot_root to an AoE block device. The #virt channel on told me that in order to have libvirt provide PXE capability, I would…

  • blog back online

    I moved the servers from the rack in the Westin to my basement. Through the magic of dyndns, xen, shorewall and mod_proxy, we’re up and running again. This blog is a lot faster, too. Tonight I will spend time bringing back. Wish me luck.

  • Bind configuration cleaned up

    Okay. That wasn’t so bad. Now I need to find out whether people are querying or and If is still getting the brunt of the requests, I need to find out how I misconfigured bind and then fix it. If the requests have started flowing to ( and (…

  • DNS changes

    I’m working on the family’s servers over vacation. I’m moving a bunch of the bandwidth-consuming bits off of the server on the T1. One of the services I’m moving to its own VM is bind9. I figure it should live on its own box that does only DNS-ish stuff. That way I can make sure…