Category: sun

  • MySQL Meet-up 20141208

    I had an enjoyable time last night at Twitter with local MySQL DBAs and developers. We had an attendee who has no experience with SQL or programming at all. She is interested in organizing her collection of recipes and had heard a rumor that MySQL was a good tool to use for this task. She…

  • Well, that was an eventful day!

    *whew* I did a bunch of things yesterday. We took our kindergärtner to her first Friday at her new school (and were about 10 minutes tardy. oops). We then took our toddler to a nearby playground with swings and slides and let her expend some energy. After she had been sufficiently exercised, we walked back…

  • Installing Open Solaris as a Xen domU

    This particular dom0 is running Ubuntu 8.10 on an amd64 kernel using an lvm volume group called ‘vg0’. Adjust accordingly. Note that the credentials for this particular live cd are: unprivileged username: jack unprivileged password: jack privileged username: root privileged password: opensolaris I have been meaning to add a Solaris machine to my network for…

  • Running a console cable to the radio

    So, I’m attaching a radio to the chimney. I don’t want to have to bring it down every time I need to flash the firmware, so I’m also running an rs-232 cable up to it along with the PoE data/power cable. Since they don’t have anything pre-built, I wired one myself. I also made a…

  • Contributed to PeterZ’s talk at MySQL UC 2006

    Hey, look! Peter mentioned me in his presentation at the UC this year. UC2006-MySQL-Performance-Landscape.pdf I let him use the Sunfire T2000 I borrowed from Sun (which I should return today) to generate some statistics for the talk.

  • Sun server… incoming…

    Holy crap. Sun is sending me hardware for a try-n-buy thing. They say they’ll ship it in about 10 days. I wonder how disappointed they’re going to be when I wipe the OS they ship with it and install Sarge… Thanks to Ask for the tip. Now… how am I going to make this thing…