MySQL Meet-up 20141208

I had an enjoyable time last night at Twitter with local MySQL DBAs and developers. We had an attendee who has no experience with SQL or programming at all. She is interested in organizing her collection of recipes and had heard a rumor that MySQL was a good tool to use for this task. She indicated that her desktop runs Windows 7. I think I’m going to encourage her to turn her concept in to a community project, as she is not the first person I’ve met who wants to organize recipes!

We were hosted by Rob at Twitter, who used to work with Lisa back before she retired. He’s a member of the site reliability team and keeps the fail whale from rearing its blubbery head.

Pizza was provided by my dear friend and long-time open source buddy Gerry Narvaja with the assistance of the folks in the kitchen at Zeek’s.

We discussed new techniques in the areas of load balancing and high availability. Five nines is no longer the thing that people talk about, instead it’s six nines. It’s a brave new world out there!

I was not the only person who was excited about one of the latest features in MariaDB / MySQL to come out of HP, the high resolution time data types.

One of the attendees is an old hand at COBOL and was asking if anyone knows where one can get a COBOL runtime environment. I’ve never thought about that before… Let me ask the googs… Looks like there’s an active project called GNU COBOL which is officially part of the GNU project:

4 responses to “MySQL Meet-up 20141208”

  1. Sounds like fun. I wish for discussions like this to broaden my perspectives and knowledge base. Happy Holidays to you and yours. Or that is Merry Christmas all!

    • I approve of all well wishes! The same to you and yours :-)

      Maybe we should have a monthly tech get-together on the weekends on the island. I know Chris down at Deception Pass knows a lot about databases but with more of a specialization on PostgreSQL.

  2. six nines…? Right now I’m seeing intermittent outage of their frontends and API lasting several minutes, so that’d be 5+ years’ worth of error budget used up already, if they plan to actually meet that target.

    • They whom? I hope you don’t mean me, because I just had to re-boot this blog server and I have no intention to be so reliable that I’ll ever commit to more than nine sixes.

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