Category: debian

  • This is getting serious.

    I might have to visit the HP on which I recently upgraded the iLO firmware… Maybe it would be good if the family visited Seattle. cjac@foxtrot:~$ ps auwx | grep ‘ping ad0.colliertech.o’ cjac 8411 0.0 0.0 10692 920 pts/8 S+ Apr25 0:32 ping cjac@foxtrot:~$ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64…

  • Wheezy 7.5 is out

    And my ISO archive is out of date again. *sigh* Luckily, apt-mirror has reduced the time required to upgrade all of my machines significantly ;-) cjac@foxtrot:~$ date ; sudo lsb_release -a Mon Apr 28 13:56:16 PDT 2014 [sudo] password for cjac: No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 7.4 (wheezy) Release:…

  • Really large NLP corpora

    Jeeze people. You’re all noisy. I’m sure it was all done for posterity’s sake. 23M irclogs/MagNET/#perl.log 29M irclogs/freenode/#mysql.log 36M irclogs/freenode/#debian.log 37M irclogs/foonetic/#xkcd.log 39M irclogs/OFTC/#debian.log 43M irclogs/freenode/#jquery.log 44M irclogs/freenode/#perl.log $ for file in irclogs/MagNET/#perl.log irclogs/freenode/#mysql.log irclogs/freenode/#debian.log irclogs/foonetic/#xkcd.log irclogs/OFTC/#debian.log irclogs/freenode/#jquery.log irclogs/freenode/#perl.log; do echo -n “$file: ” ; head -1 $file ; done irclogs/MagNET/#perl.log: — Log opened Thu…

  • Relatively high sustained rates detected along I-405

    $ scp .’s password: sh1-disk-20140420T070034.xz 76% 534MB 11.1MB/s 00:14 ETA Come on little internet! You can do it! You can push 100Mbit! I remember when this was the fastest I could send data across my LAN. Not bad for a 20 mile shot up I-405. Sorry if I caused any congestion there, folks.…

  • AD Physical to Virtual conversion… Continued!

    So I wasn’t able to complete the earlier attempt to boot the VM. Something to do with the SATA backplane not having enough juice to keep both my 6-disk array and the w2k8 disk online at the same time. I had to dd the contents off of the w2k8 disk and send it to the…

  • Windows is *still* loading files

    I’m moving the active directory server off of hardware on to the hypervisor. I think if I boot the drive as USB I can install the virtio disk drivers on the system. Fingers crossed! Only thing is that this first boot off of a USB device takes *sooooo* long!

  • When was the last time you upgraded from squeeze to wheezy?

    Wow. 3G delta. I haven’t booted this laptop for a while… I think I’m finally ready to make the move from gnome2 to gnome3. There are bits that still annoy me, but I think it’s off to a good start. Upgrading perl from 5.10 to 5.14. cjac@calcifer:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade Reading package lists… Done Building…

  • OpenVPN configs with inline data

    I’ve been issuing a lot of x.509 certs and OpenVPN user configurations lately, and I came across something that has reduced the complexity quite a bit. It seems that OpenVPN configuration files can now include data inline. So rather than generating and distributing the following for each user: a configuration file a chain of CA…

  • I’m back on the internet 6 it seems.

    cjac@foxtrot:/usr/src/deb/strongswan-5.1.0$ ping6 -c 5 | tail -3 — ping statistics — 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 65.235/74.957/103.039/14.122 ms go go gadget ipsec

  • Maxine is now running on mariadb

    So back when I was working for MySQL AB as support manager for MaxDB, I created an IRC bot to help manage the #maxdb channel on Freenode. We didn’t get a lot of traffic, and Daniel De Graaf mentioned that he could use a bot to help manage some iptables factoids over on #netfilter. So…