Category: irc

  • Mono on the G1

    I got a g1 for Fathers’ Day (Thanks Hannah!) and I’ve been futzing with it a bit. I rooted it and set up a chroot debian system. It’s running an ssh server, openvpn and snmpd. There’s been a lot of talk about getting flash working on the device. They just announced yesterday the next phone…

  • Installing Open Solaris as a Xen domU

    This particular dom0 is running Ubuntu 8.10 on an amd64 kernel using an lvm volume group called ‘vg0’. Adjust accordingly. Note that the credentials for this particular live cd are: unprivileged username: jack unprivileged password: jack privileged username: root privileged password: opensolaris I have been meaning to add a Solaris machine to my network for…

  • Using en_US.UTF-8 locale on Debian/Ubuntu

    NB: this write-up has been superseded. You should be reading this article instead. It took me a while to figure out how to make Larry’s postings to #perl6 not break my screen session. Now that I’ve figured it out, I’ll see if I can share it with y’all. In addition to screen and irssi displaying…

  • GTK+ OpenGL work

    There’s an opening at Canonical that I’d like to take after the current contract is up. It’s an opening for a OpenGL dev on the Ubuntu desktop team. Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy working with my current group quite a bit. We’re building a pretty neat tool. However, building OpenGL into the GNOME desktop…

  • IronRuby stuff

    I’ve been doing some work with the DLR team at Microsoft and the community of F/OSS developers they’ve inspired on IRC & the mailing lists. I’m providing a virtual host that is being used to perform continuous integration on Debian sid. The current status is here: Maybe we’ll make an IronPerl one of these…

  • repository thoughts

    15:58 < cj> lluis: since my friend isn’t online to bounce ideas off of, how ’bout I ask you? :) 15:59 < lluis> cj: heh, ok 15:59 < cj> a first pass would be a web form that takes some information about a package and stores it to a database. those data are exposed via…

  • Everett Wireless first station

    I’m putting together the first station for the Everett Wireless Network. To the right is a picture of the radio I will eventually put on our roof. I plan to attach an omni to the pole and drill another couple holes in the box (one for the 802.11g omni, one for the serial console over…

  • not interested in solving problems

    But don’t take my word for it. The folks on their IRC channel have put it pretty plainly themselves. They’re not interested in offering solutions to problems, they instead seem interested in bemoaning their lot in life for fun and profit. — Log opened Wed Sep 03 23:06:26 2008 23:06 -!- Irssi: #boycottnovell: Total of…

  • Writing Free Software: Part 11 – A simple man page

    Introduction Okay… it’s high time we wrote some docs. I come from a perl background, so we’re going to write the docs using perldoc. I know there are better ways to do this for C# projects and I’m happy to take contributions to this series. Just ask for contributor status and you can post the…

  • Writing Free Software – Part 3: Command line options

    Introduction In this installment, we will look at parsing command-line options. We’re going to use Jon Pryor‘s NDesk.Options library. Since he has not made a .deb package yet, we’ll use curl to integrate NDesk.Options.cs into our codebase. Get back to our workspace $ cd ~/src/greeting Get curl $ sudo apt-get install curl Pull down a…