Category: DLR

  • Ironruby tarballs available

    Ivan has been doing some great work on the Mono/IronRuby continuous integration server recently. He and Ankit got xbuild support integrated, and now we have new tarballs being generated for each build. You can find them here: I’ll be using these tarballs as the ‘upstream’ source for the upcoming debian packages of IronRuby. I…

  • IronRuby continuous integration machine back online

    Thanks to my wife’s support, the DLR & IronRuby mono build machine is up and kicking again.

  • blog back online

    I moved the servers from the rack in the Westin to my basement. Through the magic of dyndns, xen, shorewall and mod_proxy, we’re up and running again. This blog is a lot faster, too. Tonight I will spend time bringing back. Wish me luck.

  • IronRuby stuff

    I’ve been doing some work with the DLR team at Microsoft and the community of F/OSS developers they’ve inspired on IRC & the mailing lists. I’m providing a virtual host that is being used to perform continuous integration on Debian sid. The current status is here: Maybe we’ll make an IronPerl one of these…

  • An update

    I don’t really have anything really exciting to report, so y’all get to listen to me blather. And after all, that’s what blogs are for anyway, right? Zelda is turning 11 months old this month. This is still my favorite picture: I have been dishonorably discharged from Amazon. It seems that I am incompetent. It…

  • Perl 6 on the CLI via DLR; A summary

    My goal in attending this year’s Lang.NET Symposium was to determine whether the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) is a viable platform on which the Perl 6 language can be implemented.  During the talks, I took notes in my blog (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and on my wiki (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday). Since I’ve not historically been much…