Category: lvm

  • Instructions for installing Proxmox onto the Qotom device

    These instructions are for qotom devices Q515P and Q1075GE. You can order one from Amazon or directly from Cherry Ni <>. Instructions are for those coming from Windows. Prerequisites: A USB keyboard and mouse A powered HDMI monitor and an HDMI cable A copy of the Proxmox VE Installer ISO A USB disk from which…

  • OpenDaylight Symposium 2016

    I’ll write this later.  Keywords and notes inline Cloud 5G AT&T Ericsson SDN Cisco Intel Linux Debian Ubuntu Open Source Hydrogen Helium Lithium OSI stack Usability Developers and users working together. Fast Dev/Test cycles Sessions start at 10:30 Message bus Minimal install needs to be smaller Most functionalities must be implemented in modules Upgrade…

  • Bringing the VMs back online

    okay. New hypervisor hardware. Switching from xen to KVM. I took a snapshot of the xen partitions and moved them to a holding location during migration. I am now imaging these partitions to the LVM block devices: calcifer:/home/cjac# for guest in `ls /usr/src/moonunit-guests/ | grep -v -e etc | awk -F- ‘{print $1}’` ; do…

  • This is getting serious.

    I might have to visit the HP on which I recently upgraded the iLO firmware… Maybe it would be good if the family visited Seattle. cjac@foxtrot:~$ ps auwx | grep ‘ping ad0.colliertech.o’ cjac 8411 0.0 0.0 10692 920 pts/8 S+ Apr25 0:32 ping cjac@foxtrot:~$ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64…

  • AD Physical to Virtual conversion… Continued!

    So I wasn’t able to complete the earlier attempt to boot the VM. Something to do with the SATA backplane not having enough juice to keep both my 6-disk array and the w2k8 disk online at the same time. I had to dd the contents off of the w2k8 disk and send it to the…

  • Ohai! It looks like I’m back online!

    I’m working on my disk array today. The plan is to take the data off of a 6-disk RAID-6 and put it onto three 4-disk RAID-4s.

  • A sonnet for kpartx

    yeah, I don’t have one, but someone should write one.

  • Building libvirt on CentOS5 (incomplete)

    Much thanks to Brett for the pointers on rpm-fu. $ sudo yum install \ xen-devel \ xhtml1-dtds \ hal-devel \ libpcap-devel \ cyrus-sasl-devel \ parted-devel \ numactl-devel \ avahi-devel \ slang-devel \ libvolume_id-devel \ openldap-devel # device-mapper-devel \ # xmlrpc-c-devel \ for pkg in \ libssh2-devel-1.2.5-1.el5.pp.x86_64.rpm \ libssh2-1.2.5-1.el5.pp.x86_64.rpm \ libssh-0.2.1-0.2.svn193.el5.pp.x86_64.rpm \ libssh-devel-0.2.1-0.2.svn193.el5.pp.x86_64.rpm do wget…

  • AoE root for KVM guests

    Intro So. I’m trying to get familiar with libvirt and friends. To this end, I’ve set up a Lucid virtual machine booting from PXE into an initrd environment which does a pivot_root to an AoE block device. The #virt channel on told me that in order to have libvirt provide PXE capability, I would…

  • Sorry for the downtime

    One of my servers (and co-incidentally, the one on which this blog is hosted) was down for the last week. I ran out of space on / and created a new lv to store the contents of /usr. I named the lv dom0-usr but referred to it as amd0-usr in /etc/fstab. It didn’t boot so…