Category: Academia

  • Really large NLP corpora

    Jeeze people. You’re all noisy. I’m sure it was all done for posterity’s sake. 23M irclogs/MagNET/#perl.log 29M irclogs/freenode/#mysql.log 36M irclogs/freenode/#debian.log 37M irclogs/foonetic/#xkcd.log 39M irclogs/OFTC/#debian.log 43M irclogs/freenode/#jquery.log 44M irclogs/freenode/#perl.log $ for file in irclogs/MagNET/#perl.log irclogs/freenode/#mysql.log irclogs/freenode/#debian.log irclogs/foonetic/#xkcd.log irclogs/OFTC/#debian.log irclogs/freenode/#jquery.log irclogs/freenode/#perl.log; do echo -n “$file: ” ; head -1 $file ; done irclogs/MagNET/#perl.log: — Log opened Thu…

  • UW Hypervisor looks stable

    UW Hypervisor looks stable

    The new hardware looks like it’s reliable. The one I swapped out 10 days ago crashed every 3 days or so for reasons I couldn’t discern. I changed that one for a spare I had laying around and have been hosting my blog on the machine to exercise it. So far, no crashes, and a…

  • Hey, look. I got mcs to github before Miguel I’m also hosting it on my own not-as-l33t git repo:;a=summary Does this mean that I get a “cooler than Miguel” tee shirt?

  • PocketSphinx on android via the NDK

    While working on my project for the Spring ’10 “NLP on Mobile Devices” course, I put together a PocketSphinx ndk build. You can pull it down from my git repo: $ git clone git:// I haven’t written any of the JNI marshaling functions yet, though.

  • GSoC 2010

    Earlier this month, I applied to the Mono Project (and the University of Washington, and Ubuntu, and Debian, and The Perl Foundation) requesting a mentor to get Perl6 hosted on the DLR. Last Tuesday, Miguel contacted me and asked that I chat with Michael Hutchinson about possibly taking up a different project. It seems that…