Category: proliant

  • Relatively high sustained rates detected along I-405

    $ scp .’s password: sh1-disk-20140420T070034.xz 76% 534MB 11.1MB/s 00:14 ETA Come on little internet! You can do it! You can push 100Mbit! I remember when this was the fastest I could send data across my LAN. Not bad for a 20 mile shot up I-405. Sorry if I caused any congestion there, folks.…

  • Windows is *still* loading files

    I’m moving the active directory server off of hardware on to the hypervisor. I think if I boot the drive as USB I can install the virtio disk drivers on the system. Fingers crossed! Only thing is that this first boot off of a USB device takes *sooooo* long!

  • software bridge loops suck, too

    I didn’t realize that I had two of my machines attached to openvpn from the same l2 segment. It caused a network outage for about 24 hours. Sorry for the downtime folks. I believe that if I turn on stp for all nodes which have two legs in to the same l2, I can avoid…

  • UW Hypervisor looks stable

    UW Hypervisor looks stable

    The new hardware looks like it’s reliable. The one I swapped out 10 days ago crashed every 3 days or so for reasons I couldn’t discern. I changed that one for a spare I had laying around and have been hosting my blog on the machine to exercise it. So far, no crashes, and a…

  • Replaced hypervisor

    The system which was hosting this blog had a tendency to go down every few days. I swapped it out for a spare yesterday. Let’s see if it stays up. The hypervisor hosts this web server, a mysql server and an SKS pool member, all of which are built on top of Squeeze.

  • Running a console cable to the radio

    So, I’m attaching a radio to the chimney. I don’t want to have to bring it down every time I need to flash the firmware, so I’m also running an rs-232 cable up to it along with the PoE data/power cable. Since they don’t have anything pre-built, I wired one myself. I also made a…