Category: stretch

  • The woes of 520-byte sectors

    A couple years ago, I bought a 12G/s SAS disk to see if I could get it to work with the RAID controller with external SFF-8088 ports which came with the system I got while I was working at The Linux Foundation. I got an enclosure to go with it because I was enthusiastic and…

  • I’m running an ethereum node

    cjac@server0:~/Downloads/geth-linux-amd64-1.8.14-316fc7ec$ df -h ~/.ethereum/ Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/vg00-ethereum 148G 130G 11G 93% /home/cjac/.ethereum this was from before I ran ./geth –syncmode “fast” –cache=1024

  • OMG Maven 3.0.4 on stretch

    “Why?”, you might ask, would one want to run something other than the most recent version of Maven on the very newest and fangledest breed of the linux distribution we have all loved for so long. “Because!”, I might answer, I’m trying to get the nexus-apt-plugin working on, and the version of nexus we’re…