Category: friends

  • No longer just the president of the hair club for men

    So. I think the project I’m working on is so awesome that I’m willing to pay for it. I set up the first of many sites yesterday that will be running on my blingy new storm host: Home Birth Seattle was designed and developed by Cadmium Yellow, AKA my wife, Hannah ;) We did the…

  • Well, that was an eventful day!

    *whew* I did a bunch of things yesterday. We took our kindergärtner to her first Friday at her new school (and were about 10 minutes tardy. oops). We then took our toddler to a nearby playground with swings and slides and let her expend some energy. After she had been sufficiently exercised, we walked back…

  • Randal Schwartz interviews Michael Foord about IronPython

    The FLOSS Weekly folks (including my homie, Randal) just published this week’s interview. It is with Michael Foord, who I just met a couple weeks ago. He published a book about IronPython. He mentions Mono, the DLR and IronRuby, too ;)

  • Looking to get Iron* and the DLR into RedHat

    I sent an email to the Fedora Legal list asking whether they will accept software released under the MS-PL license. My friend and former colleague, Brett Lentz mentioned that he was concerned that the Fedora folks might not accept software released under the MS-PL. So I asked. I also bcc’d a certain troll on said…

  • Matthew Broderick broke The Music Man.

    I was reading Lefty’s recent blog post and was reminded (by way of a certain scene) of being pissed off by Broderick’s s/egg/globe/ in the 2003 production of The Music Man. I was going to put the following in the comments, but I decided not to in order to keep the conversation on topic :)…

  • GTK+ OpenGL work

    There’s an opening at Canonical that I’d like to take after the current contract is up. It’s an opening for a OpenGL dev on the Ubuntu desktop team. Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy working with my current group quite a bit. We’re building a pretty neat tool. However, building OpenGL into the GNOME desktop…

  • Vote Obama 2008

    My friend Corrie is taking donations. I think the guy is worth voting for. Eight is enough. Oh, wait. It’s far too much. I do not support the current war and never have. I do not believe that “Muslim Terrorists” are responsible for Enron’s fleecing of its investors any more than I believe that Saddam…

  • not interested in solving problems

    But don’t take my word for it. The folks on their IRC channel have put it pretty plainly themselves. They’re not interested in offering solutions to problems, they instead seem interested in bemoaning their lot in life for fun and profit. — Log opened Wed Sep 03 23:06:26 2008 23:06 -!- Irssi: #boycottnovell: Total of…

  • To Prebuild or not to Prebuild?

    So… On IRC today, John, Michael and I discussed rolling Prebuild and xbuild into one product. It seems that we’re duplicating effort and competing for each others’ users. It sounds to me like we should converge the codebases, and make Prebuild.exe a wrapper around the innards of xbuild. Thoughts?

  • Article on Paco

    Paco, a friend of mine and fellow contributor to the Mono project was recently covered in an article in the Ft. Worth/Dallas Start Telegram. Paco’s an inspiration to a lot of us. He recently joined up with the Air Force reserves and is stationed at Lackland airforce base. Paco’s son, Paquito was shot and killed…