Category: network saturation

  • Rack coming together

    I now have four six-port Qotom systems and one four-port Qotom system in my rack. I have successfully verified that the newest of these is capable of pulling about 745Mbit/s of 1500-byte frames through the switch from six other hosts. I bet it will push data at the same rate. but I can’t get iperf…

  • OpenDaylight Symposium 2016

    I’ll write this later.  Keywords and notes inline Cloud 5G AT&T Ericsson SDN Cisco Intel Linux Debian Ubuntu Open Source Hydrogen Helium Lithium OSI stack Usability Developers and users working together. Fast Dev/Test cycles Sessions start at 10:30 Message bus Minimal install needs to be smaller Most functionalities must be implemented in modules Upgrade…

  • I think I just accidentally the whole Seattle EDM scene

    It was unintentional, I promise. PS, what are you doing the night before Samhain this year? Feel like giving me and my bike a ride to Bellingham?

  • Relatively high sustained rates detected along I-405

    $ scp .’s password: sh1-disk-20140420T070034.xz 76% 534MB 11.1MB/s 00:14 ETA Come on little internet! You can do it! You can push 100Mbit! I remember when this was the fastest I could send data across my LAN. Not bad for a 20 mile shot up I-405. Sorry if I caused any congestion there, folks.…

  • Gotta’ get ’em all.

    And now I have them all. Maybe I can reduce the load on my wan pipe by setting up a mirror for the island.

  • software bridge loops suck, too

    I didn’t realize that I had two of my machines attached to openvpn from the same l2 segment. It caused a network outage for about 24 hours. Sorry for the downtime folks. I believe that if I turn on stp for all nodes which have two legs in to the same l2, I can avoid…

  • blog optimizations

    Thanks to some recommendations from Jeremy, Pierre and Jeff, this blog should be running a lot less slowly. I’ve installed memcached, set up wordpress plugins, tuned apache MPM parameters, tweaked iptables and tc rules and beaten on the blog with load testing scripts. It seems that it will now reliably handle around 10 concurrent requests…

  • Back online…

    Sorry for the outage, folks. We’re back up now. This time with a firewall. Ain’t that fun? Someone broke in to the machine in February and was using the un-throttled bandwidth to spam the world. I’ve added a throttle and firewall, much stricter access to the internal network, monitoring tools and an alert infrastructure. Hopefully…

  • Why can’t I communicate on cell phones with static?

    I was thinking… When there’s echo on the line or when I can hear breathing, I respond with silence and a delay to see whether the line is clean. This reminds me of [[CSMA/CD]]. Ha. My communication system is like a computer networking device.

  • DNS changes

    I’m working on the family’s servers over vacation. I’m moving a bunch of the bandwidth-consuming bits off of the server on the T1. One of the services I’m moving to its own VM is bind9. I figure it should live on its own box that does only DNS-ish stuff. That way I can make sure…