Category: colliertech

  • Power blip in Tukwila – everything’s okay.

    There’s been a lot of weather here in Seattle this week. It looks like the Tukwila DC’s power blipped this morning. It gave me an excuse to update some configs on a few of the OpenVPN endpoints, re-configure some of the shorewall6 stuff, and enter a bunch of hosts and IPs into the BIG-IP’s node…

  • Blacky-black-out

    There’s a script down there vvvvv and up there ^^^

  • UW Hypervisor looks stable

    UW Hypervisor looks stable

    The new hardware looks like it’s reliable. The one I swapped out 10 days ago crashed every 3 days or so for reasons I couldn’t discern. I changed that one for a spare I had laying around and have been hosting my blog on the machine to exercise it. So far, no crashes, and a…

  • Replaced hypervisor

    The system which was hosting this blog had a tendency to go down every few days. I swapped it out for a spare yesterday. Let’s see if it stays up. The hypervisor hosts this web server, a mysql server and an SKS pool member, all of which are built on top of Squeeze.

  • And with that, the keyserver is back online Go go gadget interwebs. Now to sync back up and get into good standings on the status page.

  • Business Birthday

    Today is Collier Technologies, LLC’s second birthday. The company’s been around under one name or another since about 2002 or so, initially as a sole proprietorship. Woot, and all that.

  • Debian on Sheeva Plug internal NAND flash

    After a bit of work, I got the sheeva plug working the way I wanted it to. First of all, I grabbed a spare 1G USB flash disk I had laying around and installed Debian squeeze to it by following tbm’s instructions here: After debian was installed to the USB disk, I removed it…

  • Putting new radios up in Everett

    I’m happy to note that we’re putting up new radios in Everett. The plan is to provide free but limited Internet access to neighbors and sell service to those who need a “fatter pipe” as the kids say. We’ve been running a repeater for over a year now. It doesn’t provide access to the Internet,…

  • blog optimizations

    Thanks to some recommendations from Jeremy, Pierre and Jeff, this blog should be running a lot less slowly. I’ve installed memcached, set up wordpress plugins, tuned apache MPM parameters, tweaked iptables and tc rules and beaten on the blog with load testing scripts. It seems that it will now reliably handle around 10 concurrent requests…

  • Filing to become a licensed CA

    —–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 All Operative Personnel employed by Collier Technologies LLC, known here as the Certification Authority or CA, must also be licensed as notaries public by the local government where they reside during any act performed on behalf of the CA. In addition to passing the Washington State Operative Personnel Exam,…