Category: libsl

  • Monocast II

    This week’s monocast features a charming and debonaire, sophisticated and well spoken guest. With great hair. You should really listen. Hi, mom. MonoCast Forums Subscribe: MonoCast AAC MonoCast MP3 MonoCast OGG

  • Virtual Reality software

    I, like Jeff B., have been caught up in the wake of Second Life. I haven’t spent a lot of time logged in to their official client, though. I created a user on their web form and verified that it does, in fact, work on my mac laptop. The reason I registered a user was…

  • Second Life .prims project

    John of the libsl team has been working with the .prims XML 3d primitive format recently. I’ve been looking for a good, common XML format to serialize 3d data for a while. This looks like it might be what I’m looking for. On my libsl TODO list is a project to create a hardened specification…

  • Holy crap John

    Quake3 is a lot of code. cjcollier@moonunit:~/src/svn/icculus/quake3/code$ find ./ | perl -e ‘my $sum = 0; while(){ chomp $_; next if $_ =~ m:/\.svn/:; next if -d $_; my @output = split(/ /, `wc -l $_`); my $numChars = $output[0]; $sum += $numChars; } print(“$sum\n”);’ 356407