Instructions for installing Proxmox onto the Qotom device

These instructions are for qotom devices Q515P and Q1075GE. You can order one from Amazon or directly from Cherry Ni <>. Instructions are for those coming from Windows.


  • A USB keyboard and mouse
  • A powered HDMI monitor and an HDMI cable
  • A copy of the Proxmox VE Installer ISO
  • A USB disk from which to boot the installer
  • Software and instructions to burn the raw image to USB
  • The details of your wireless network including wireless network ID (SSID), WPA password, gateway address and network prefix length

To find your windows network details, run the following command at the command prompt:

netsh interface ip show addresses

Here’s my output:

PS C:\Users\cjcol> netsh interface ip show addresses "Wi-Fi"

Configuration for interface "Wi-Fi"
    DHCP enabled:                         Yes
    IP Address:                 
    Subnet Prefix:               (mask
    Default Gateway:            
    Gateway Metric:                       0
    InterfaceMetric:                      50

Did you follow the instructions linked above in the “prerequisites” section? If not, take a moment to do so now.
Open Rufus and select the proxmox iso which you downloaded.

You may be warned that Rufus will be acting as dd.

Don’t forget to select the USB drive that you want to write the image to. In my example, the device is creatively called “NO_LABEL”.

You may be warned that re-imaging the USB disk will result in the previous data on the USB disk being lost.

Once the process is complete, the application will indicate that it is complete.

You should now have a USB disk with the Proxmox installer image on it. Place the USB disk into one of the blue, USB-3.0, USB-A slots on the Qotom device so that the system can read the installer image from it at full speed. The Proxmox installer requires a keyboard, video and mouse. Please attach these to the device along with inserting the USB disk you just created.

Press the power button on the Qotom device. Press the F11 key repeatedly until you see the AMI BIOS menu. Press F11 a couple more times. You’ll be presented with a boot menu. One of the options will launch the Proxmox installer. By trial and error, I found that the correct boot menu option was “UEFI OS”

Once you select the correct option, you will be presented with a menu that looks like this. Select the default option and install.

During the install, you will be presented with an option of the block device to install to. I think there’s only a single block device in this celeron, but if there are more than one, I prefer the smaller one for the ProxMox OS. I also make a point to limit the size of the root filesystem to 16G. I think it will take up the entire volume group if you don’t set a limit.

Okay, I’ll do another install and select the correct filesystem.

If you read this far and want me to add some more screenshots and better instructions, leave a comment.

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