Twitter Updates for 2009-08-01

  • RT @timbunce It's SysAdmin Appreciation Day. My thanks @ask & Rob for great work keeping many * servers & services running sweetly #
  • @toshok: d'oh. you didn't visit me while you were in SEA? #
  • 22:29 < CIA-6> debian-pkg-cli-libs: cjadamscollier-guest * r4204 /packages/ironruby/trunk/debian/ (12 files in 2 dirs): initial checkin #
  • @meebey: NO U #
  • 03:53 < casualjim_> we're running tests for rubygems, rake and yaml #
  • @btmspox: ironruby package in pkg-cli-libs svn on alioth. help me test? #
  • @brianaker: lolz #
  • @voidspace: woo hoo. I should prolly learn one of them. I got into this biz cuz guido told me to get perl6 hosted on mono at #OSCON06 #
  • @directhex: come visit SEA. you'd fit right in. #
  • @voidspace: how 'bout imap? #

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