Yay! The RSS Feed link in the plog finally shipped. :)
20:53 < cj> anybody wanna see something cool?
20:53 < toshok> nah, cool is overrated
20:54 < cj> http://www.amazon.com/gp/plog/post.html/ref=cm_blog_pl/104-6510586-3093500?ie=UTF8&pt=personalBlog&aid=PlogMyCustomersAgent&ot=customer&pd=1155228951.912&pid=PMCA19STJZD8MHMJEat1155228837&iid=A19STJZD8MHMJE
20:55 < cj> or, better yet...
20:55 < cj> http://www.amazon.com/gp/blog/id/A19STJZD8MHMJE/ref=cm_blog_blog/104-6510586-3093500
20:55 < cj> click on the "add to your plog" button. it's orange and on the
20:55 < cj> choose the top radio button
20:55 < cj> except for you, chris. you can ignore this.
20:56 < cj> now go to http://amazon.com/gp/plog
20:56 < cj> you should (soon if not now) see something that says "Your
Plog™" or something like it.
20:57 < evarlast> you work for amazon?
20:57 < cj> You will also note that there is currently, as of 20:57, no RSS
Feed link, nor is there an RSS icon.
20:57 < cj> evarlast: a'yup
20:58 * cj gets ready with the big red button
20:59 < evarlast> i'll have to figure out how ot post to plog without buying :)
20:59 < cj> it's easy :) Just register here: http://amazon.com/connect/
20:59 < cj> t minus 1 minute
21:00 < cj> go go go
21:35 < cj> yay! the RSS Feed link is there!
21:37 < cj> it even looks right.
21:37 < cj> go me.