Rack coming together
I now have four six-port Qotom systems and one four-port Qotom system in my rack. I have successfully verified that the newest of these is capable of pulling about 745Mbit/s of 1500-byte frames through the switch from six other hosts. I bet it will push data at the same rate. but I can’t get iperf…
Recovering videos from DV tapes with Canon ZR80
I am recovering some tapes from back in the day that some of you may enjoy. Here is a log of the process so that maybe you can recover some of your own DV tapes. Seems to work well in modern Debian. To attach to the camcorder, I used a PCI-e card that has an…
The woes of 520-byte sectors
A couple years ago, I bought a 12G/s SAS disk to see if I could get it to work with the RAID controller with external SFF-8088 ports which came with the system I got while I was working at The Linux Foundation. I got an enclosure to go with it because I was enthusiastic and…
I’m running an ethereum node
cjac@server0:~/Downloads/geth-linux-amd64-1.8.14-316fc7ec$ df -h ~/.ethereum/ Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/vg00-ethereum 148G 130G 11G 93% /home/cjac/.ethereum this was from before I ran ./geth –syncmode “fast” –cache=1024
Using SonarQube 5.4, Maven 3.3.9, Jenkins 2.19.1 on systems with both Java 1.7 and 1.8
Hello folks! My team spent hours and hours beating our head against a Sonar deployment problem on Ubuntu Trusty (14.04 LTS). I thought I might share our findings so that you won’t have to! As you probably know, Trusty only makes Java Development Kit 1.7 available on the stock installation. The current stable version of…
OpenDaylight Symposium 2016
I’ll write this later. Keywords and notes inline Cloud 5G AT&T Ericsson SDN FD.io Cisco Intel Linux Debian Ubuntu Open Source Hydrogen Helium Lithium OSI stack Usability Developers and users working together. Fast Dev/Test cycles Sessions start at 10:30 Message bus Minimal install needs to be smaller Most functionalities must be implemented in modules Upgrade…
virt manager cannot find suitable emulator for x86 64
Looks like I was missing qemu-kvm. $ sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm qemu-system
Some work on a VyOS image with Let’s Encrypt certs
I put some packages together this weekend. It’s been a while since I’ve debuilt anything officially. libffi-platypus-perl libalien-base-perl libalien-ffi-perl libffi-checklib-perl libshell-config-generate-perl libshell-guess-perl The plan is to build a binding to the libgnutls.so.30 API. The certtool CSR (REQ) generation interface does not allow me to create a CRL with “not critical” attributes set on purposes. Maybe…
OMG Maven 3.0.4 on stretch
“Why?”, you might ask, would one want to run something other than the most recent version of Maven on the very newest and fangledest breed of the linux distribution we have all loved for so long. “Because!”, I might answer, I’m trying to get the nexus-apt-plugin working on nexus.fd.io, and the version of nexus we’re…