My new rig
Go ahead and drool. workie-2016.pdf
Hello dear readers and attendees, This is the post that I will be/ will have been referencing during my presentation to the Seattle Central Community College’s Byte club on Thursday, December 10th at 1500-1630. I will begin with a bit of an autobio and find out what kind of students we have in attendance. Please…
Regarding fdupes
Dear readers, There is a very useful tool for finding and merging shared permanent storage, and its name is fdupes. There was a terrible occurrence in the software after version 1.51, however. They removed the -L argument because too many people were complaining about lost data. It sounds like user error to me, and so…
Some statistics from the router at the cabin
sip0 is a GRE tunnel between the router and the colo box in Seattle, the payload of which is encapsulated as ipsec traffic before being transmitted over the Ubiquity equipment to the switch that the CenturyLink DSL modem attaches to. I don’t get centurylink easter eggs in my search results when I use this interface.…
Personal Identity Verification
The following is a true and correct representation of Ariahna R.Tidrington as of 2015-10-14 Gender: Female Height: 5′ 7.75†Eye color: Brown Weight: 160lbs Date of Birth: 1996/11/30 Signature: ______________________________ State of Washington County of Martin Luther King Jr.  I certify that I know that Ariahna R. Tidrington is the person who appeared before me, and…
Microsoft ACS announcement
So it seems that Microsoft has developed an embedded device OS distribution called ACS and that this OS is based on the Linux kernel. http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/tag/azure-cloud-switch/ That’s kind of neat. They’ve been consuming Linux for quite some time. It’s nice to see that they’re producing some, too. Thank you for being productive members of this community,…
Back on the island.
I spent a couple of weeks straight in the city. This is the first time I’ve done this since I’ve started working with Scott and the crew at RP. It was an overwhelming period of my life. Lots of social dynamics were fluid in a way that they have not been before. I had recently…