Category: debian

  • Trip Report: UW signing-party

    Dear Debian Users, I met last night with a friend from many years ago and a number of students of cryptography. I was disappointed to see the prevalence of black hat, anti-government hackers at the event. I was hoping that civilized humanity had come to agree that using cryptography for deception, harm to others and…

  • A harowing upgrade

    I just dist-upgraded the blog server to jessie. A couple of errors from code with checks for which modules are enabled from .htaccess (deprecated and now obsolete behavior). Nothing all that rocky. Go team Debian!

  • MySQL Meet-up 20141208

    I had an enjoyable time last night at Twitter with local MySQL DBAs and developers. We had an attendee who has no experience with SQL or programming at all. She is interested in organizing her collection of recipes and had heard a rumor that MySQL was a good tool to use for this task. She…

  • Juniper Olive VM XML

    For use with and $ cd /var/lib/libvirt/images $ sudo qemu-img create -f qcow2 vnx_rootfs_olive.qcow2 7G $ sudo wget $ sudo brctl addbr testnet $ sudo ip addr add dev testnet $ sudo ip link set up dev testnet $ wget -O /tmp/olive.xml $ sudo virsh define /tmp/olive.xml $ sudo virsh…

  • Configuring voice service on a Cisco 2801 Integrated Services Router via Asterisk

    So I’ve configured voice service a number of times, but never using Cisco equipment. There’s a business starting up here on Orcas Island and they need a number of lines voice and fax service. I had a spare 2801 router laying around and heard that it’s possible to provision voice service using these machines. So…

  • I just realized how old these name servers are

    I guess I’ve had them around for a while… Maybe I should clean these up… cjac@ns1:~$ ls /lib/modules/ 2.6.18-4-xen-amd64colliertech.fw+0 2.6.32-5-amd64 2.6.24-19-xen 3.2.0-4-amd64 cjac@ns2:~$ ls /lib/modules/ 2.6.18-4-xen-amd64colliertech.fw+0 2.6.24-19-xen 2.6.32-5-amd64 cjac@ns2:~$ sudo rsync -aue ssh ns1:/lib/modules/`uname -r` /lib/modules I remember editing the .config file for that kernel and building it on my first ever 64-bit system back…

  • Debian on PowerPC successful

    The NVidia card being unable to drive two monitors is a little annoying, and the lack of support for skype and chrome is a bother, but I think I can build chrome… There’ll probably be no flash, I imagine.

  • In case you were curious

    It doesn’t look like the Debian PowerPC bootloader, yaboot can deal with the root filesystem on an lvm on a raid. *sigh* There goes six hours of my life.

  • Bringing the VMs back online

    okay. New hypervisor hardware. Switching from xen to KVM. I took a snapshot of the xen partitions and moved them to a holding location during migration. I am now imaging these partitions to the LVM block devices: calcifer:/home/cjac# for guest in `ls /usr/src/moonunit-guests/ | grep -v -e etc | awk -F- ‘{print $1}’` ; do…

  • I think perhaps they mean “could join x86 in the server room”

    As much as I love PowerPC, and as great as it is that they’re doing this OpenPower thing, I don’t think that the first step should be to eliminate the competition. Perhaps they should put some effort in to taking back a large part of the market. Didn’t these guys read The Art of War?…