Category: debian

  • Gotta’ get ’em all.

    And now I have them all. Maybe I can reduce the load on my wan pipe by setting up a mirror for the island.

  • I miss you. Please come back?

    … Creating var directory ‘/usr/src/git/debian/pkg-mariadb/builddir/mysql-test/var’… Checking supported features… MariaDB Version 5.5.32-MariaDB-1 Installing system database… – SSL connections supported Collecting tests… Using server port 42388 ============================================================================== TEST RESULT TIME (ms) or COMMENT ————————————————————————– worker[1] Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD 300, with reserved ports 16000..16019 oqgraph.basic [ skipped ] No OQGraph oqgraph.binlog [ skipped ] No OQGraph sphinx.sphinx [ skipped…

  • Vacation Tasks

    So, I’m taking vacation this week and next. Here’s a (partial) list of tasks that are left to do: Visit BC for NANOG 55 Work with Threshold Communications to verify interop is working as well as it seems to be Make sure the UTC has acknowledged receipt of our 2012 filing Complete move of storage…

  • Ohai! It looks like I’m back online!

    I’m working on my disk array today. The plan is to take the data off of a 6-disk RAID-6 and put it onto three 4-disk RAID-4s.

  • NIST::NVD CWE development – follow along

    I’m in the process of getting the tests passing for the 0.03 release of NIST::NVD::Store::SQLite3 wherein our hero imports the CWE data and cross-indexes it with CVEs and CPEs. Follow along and suggest some patches. I’m developing on Debian Wheezy, but I would very much like input from devs on other platforms.;a=summary cjac@foxtrot:/tmp$ time…

  • software bridge loops suck, too

    I didn’t realize that I had two of my machines attached to openvpn from the same l2 segment. It caused a network outage for about 24 hours. Sorry for the downtime folks. I believe that if I turn on stp for all nodes which have two legs in to the same l2, I can avoid…

  • Dear fellows of the SJCARS

    I’ve got a project I could use some help with.  If you’ve got some tuits to spare, I’d love to talk with you about the plan.  Perhaps I’ll post something to the blog… [edit 20120212T2025] blogged. [Edit 20120213T0026]

  • NIST::NVD::Store::SQLite3

    I published an SQLite3 storage back-end to NIST::NVD on the CPAN. It’s pretty quick. About as fast as the DB_File one, but without the down side of being tied to DB_File. It shouldn’t be too difficult to re-factor this code to any DBI-based database. MariaDB anyone? I know it works on Debian. The nightly CPAN…

  • SELinux on Wheezy

    So, Collier Technologies LLC needs to pass annual audits to operate a certification authority recognized by the SoS. To this end, I’m working with the fine group of developers who maintain SELinux. It seems that the configuration of Xorg that I’m using while typing this here blog post does not have a policy set up…

  • SOPA response from Representative Rick Larsen, WA 2nd District

    Below is an email I received from Representative Rick Larsen‘s office. I don’t recall ever having identifying myself as PVT Adams-Collier in any communications with his office, though I could have done so at some point. Maybe. I also don’t recall contacting his office directly concerning SOPA. I blogged a few things and mentioned him…