Author: C.J. Collier

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-07-27

    @directhex: that was quick. I remember it sucking my life away for much longer than that. # @brianaker: yuck. Have a good time there ;) in reply to brianaker # @sungo: no u in reply to sungo # I'm wearing my wife's wife beater # Powered by Twitter Tools.

  • TODO

    * finish up packaging IronRuby for debian * get gtkgl into gtk+ core * get mono running on the g1 (again) * language parsing stuff

  • testing livejournal crosspost

  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-26

    @mjasay: cool :) # @migueldeicaza: put together a form letter and I"ll sign & send :) # wow… I've been on wireless all day and didn't realize it 'till now. That would explain the brief but inexplicable network outages today # I think I just passed an interview with Always nice to get more…

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-07-26

    @bgoldy: IRTA "shut up" # @snorp: you have a snorplet!? that would essplain why I haven't seen as much of you recently… # @commonsguy: cue boycottnovell reference # @rjbs: IRTA "reproductive week" # @meebey: where you been? # RT @Skud o'reilly video of my #oscon keynote on women in open source is up! #…

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-07-25

    Hahaha. I forgot how brilliant I am, sometimes. # @directhex: YOUR MISSING TEH POINT!!!oNE!! # I'm wondering… how many other folks' grandparents are on facebook? # @sandyarmstrong: are you telling us as a way of apologizing? You're forgiven, but get out there and start trolling. # @abock: that does sound deeply awkward… in reply…

  • testing reddit button

    I installed a reddit plugin. I wonder if it works…

  • we are all going to be eaten by patent trolls

    Farm animal noises, I tell you.

  • Parsing English Language (if you consider IRC logs to qualify)

    Haha. I wrote this on October 3rd, 2006. I started logging IRC conversations in 2005. I’ve got lots from #perl and #mono. I wonder if the n’ere-do-wells who frequent those channels will mind me using their public commentary to build an english language parser. I’ll make it “open source,” of course. Erhm, I mean Free…

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-07-24

    @mletterle: Wakey wakey. Need a patch review on #ironruby # @jredville: got time to review a patch on #ironruby? # This just in: Ankit got IronRuby building with xbuild. Details at 11. # @sandyarmstrong: perl -e 's/foo/bar/g' is better! # Come debate the Defense of Marriage Act with C.J. and Aaron! # @mletterle: you…