Author: C.J. Collier

  • InvestiGate

    Like WaterGate, but slightly different. lalalalal!

  • RAIDoD

    Redundant Array of Inexpensive Departments of Defense Ha.

  • Bind configuration cleaned up

    Okay. That wasn’t so bad. Now I need to find out whether people are querying or and If is still getting the brunt of the requests, I need to find out how I misconfigured bind and then fix it. If the requests have started flowing to ( and (…

  • Oh noes! Guitar Hero is trying to get me!

    So. One of my policies has been “don’t knock it ’till you’ve tried it.” I made an exception to this rule and privately knocked Guitar Hero. I want to apologize now for this misdeed. Maybe if I apologize, the ads for it will stop. Oh, please. Also, someone play it with me, so I can…

  • DNS changes

    I’m working on the family’s servers over vacation. I’m moving a bunch of the bandwidth-consuming bits off of the server on the T1. One of the services I’m moving to its own VM is bind9. I figure it should live on its own box that does only DNS-ish stuff. That way I can make sure…

  • Tagged Message Delivery Agent challenge / response layer

  • Mono.Xna status

    Thank you _Alan_ for putting together this report on Mono.Xna’s implementation status. A quick overview is that we’ve got 95% of the methods stubbed out and maybe 1% fully implemented. Thank you jendave for your hard work on this!

  • my name in lights

    Hey, look. My name is mentioned down at the bottom. testing aggregator’s ability to de-dup this update

  • currently 153 release critical bugs in etch. Get to it.

  • Please begin seeding etch release candidates with me