Category: music

  • What has tseng been up to?

    08:35 <@cj> tseng: more with the addition of content to the aggregator! 55 days ago? get on it! :) 08:35 < tseng> cj: :( 08:36 < tseng> cj: i can blog last-exit 3 now that iain finally rolled the tarball 08:36 < tseng> its been over 55 days since i started working on it :/…

  • Frontalot’s CD

    If you haven’t bought one, you should buy one.

  • Monocast 1.0

    So, Rev_Fry and I got together last night and did a couple of takes for the first Monocast. Rev and I will be attending the upcoming Mono Summit in MA on the 23rd and 24th. We figured that we should do a first show before we showed up so we can claim some listeners. The…

  • Special delivery

    Hello? Iraq? I have a large package of Freedom here… er, actually, we’re out of Freedom. We’ve substituted it with permanent military occupation. Will you sign here, please?

  • Open Source/Free Software Video Editing Software?

    Can someone help me out here? I’d like to import video from my camera (firewire) as either DV or run through my favorite codec, and write it to disk. I would then like to be able to crop, cut, and paste certain frames from the whole movie and store them as “clips” or some similar…

  • I’m at OSCON

    I’m making videos. I need to learn how to compress some of these iMovies snippets into something consumable by the general public via “podcasting” software. Who knows what formats *everybody* can watch / listen to on *all* platforms? What does VLC support? I’ll target VLC as the media player and I plan to set…

  • State of the C.J. – 20060625

    C.J. Blathers about recent major changes in his life. Mail me for credentials.

  • Meta-interview with Eric Butler

    Eric and I were trying out Gizmo.

  • Moved blog, took long weekend

    For those of you who want to hear me read this instead of having to do so yourself (no hyperlinks), click here for .ogg and here for .mp3. I migrated the blogs’ database and code from moonunit to avenger, both of which run Debian Sarge. Y’all should now notice a vast improvement in throughput. The…

  • The podcast about podcasting

    Ogg Vorbis Podcast MP3 Podcast Transcript: Hello, this is C.J. Adams-Collier, the host of “Podcasting with C.J.”, and I’m here to speak to you about Podcasting. Well, that just about does it for our show. We hope you enjoyed it, and we’ll see you next time!