Category: government

  • First taste of Debian 12

    As some of you may know, the Debian project released v12, bookworm to stable on the 10th of this month. I haven’t had a reason to try it yet, but I’m downloading it now. My first thought is that it’s much larger than I expected. The normal sized version used to fit on a CD-ROM…

  • False Positive

    Since a bit before my birthday this year, I have been uncertain where I left my notary seal. I have been trying to stay positive about the situation, but I must admit that I spent an unhealthy amount of time obsessing about its location and whether it has been used in my absence. The last…

  • How does this sound for the National Anthem of Cascadia?

  • Trip Report: UW signing-party

    Dear Debian Users, I met last night with a friend from many years ago and a number of students of cryptography. I was disappointed to see the prevalence of black hat, anti-government hackers at the event. I was hoping that civilized humanity had come to agree that using cryptography for deception, harm to others and…

  • Confirmation of receipt

    The UTC confirms receipt of forms submitted complete to the best knowledge of Collier Technologies LLC I do not know anything about Collier Technologies Inc. though.  I heard they were expelled from the program for failure to pay fines of a questionable judgment.

  • Gotta’ get ’em all.

    And now I have them all. Maybe I can reduce the load on my wan pipe by setting up a mirror for the island.

  • Vacation Tasks

    So, I’m taking vacation this week and next. Here’s a (partial) list of tasks that are left to do: Visit BC for NANOG 55 Work with Threshold Communications to verify interop is working as well as it seems to be Make sure the UTC has acknowledged receipt of our 2012 filing Complete move of storage…

  • Blacky-black-out

    There’s a script down there vvvvv and up there ^^^

  • Perl interface to processing / querying NIST’s NVD feed

    For a work project, I wrote a library in perl that can be used to query the NVD feed that NIST publishes here: Here’s a snippit from the perldoc: use NIST::NVD::Query; # use convert_nvdcve to generate these files from the XML dumps at # my( $path_to_db, $path_to_idx_cpe ) = @ARGV; my $q =…

  • Rokey-Tobu

    This maneuver consisted of holding someone’s hand and patting it while assuring them that someone who has experience responding to emergencies would be there soon.