Category: debian

  • mono- submitted

    19:44 < meebey> Subject: mono_2.4.2.3+dfsg-1_i386.changes is NEW So joyous. I’ll be using that for the ironruby thing. Real soon now.

  • mono- debs will include array comparison patch

    Thanks to Marek being a superhero, we have isolated the changes necessary to fix the compiler from the tag so that we can build IronRuby with xbuild. I’ve delivered the patch to meebey, and he has included it in his debian/patches list. Without this patch, I was going to have to package up the…

  • CI build server produces Iron Python bins, too!

    Ivan has updated the build script to produce IronPython binaries as well as IronRuby. Get your fresh DLR-powered, mono-friendly, dynamic language implementations here: There are now links to source and binary tarballs as well as source zips on each of the build result status messages: I’ve been putting some effort in to getting…

  • Ironruby tarballs available

    Ivan has been doing some great work on the Mono/IronRuby continuous integration server recently. He and Ankit got xbuild support integrated, and now we have new tarballs being generated for each build. You can find them here: I’ll be using these tarballs as the ‘upstream’ source for the upcoming debian packages of IronRuby. I…

  • libvirt patch accepted

    Whee. I submitted a patch to libvirt to include ARM machines in the capabilities list. Folks should now be able to create arm hosts with less hassle. Since Lenny, Debian has officially supported the arm architecture. I’ll write up a HOWTO for getting a qemu VM online. I plan to use this to develop Mono…

  • Mono on the G1

    I got a g1 for Fathers’ Day (Thanks Hannah!) and I’ve been futzing with it a bit. I rooted it and set up a chroot debian system. It’s running an ssh server, openvpn and snmpd. There’s been a lot of talk about getting flash working on the device. They just announced yesterday the next phone…

  • GTK+ OpenGL work

    There’s an opening at Canonical that I’d like to take after the current contract is up. It’s an opening for a OpenGL dev on the Ubuntu desktop team. Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy working with my current group quite a bit. We’re building a pretty neat tool. However, building OpenGL into the GNOME desktop…

  • IronRuby stuff

    I’ve been doing some work with the DLR team at Microsoft and the community of F/OSS developers they’ve inspired on IRC & the mailing lists. I’m providing a virtual host that is being used to perform continuous integration on Debian sid. The current status is here: Maybe we’ll make an IronPerl one of these…

  • Writing Free Sofware index

    So, I’ve been meaning to write an index for this series. I haxx0red my web server and made this easy-to-remember url work.

  • Next article in the “Writing Free Software” series

    Hey all, I’m not certain what the next topic should be. I’ve got a few ideas. Could the interested parties let me know what they’re curious most about? documentation distributing .exe.config and .dll.config files inter-package dependencies using pkg-config creating sub packages test harnesses and the “check” target the debian/ directory and .deb packages … something…