Category: C.J. Insider

  • Looking to get Iron* and the DLR into RedHat

    I sent an email to the Fedora Legal list asking whether they will accept software released under the MS-PL license. My friend and former colleague, Brett Lentz mentioned that he was concerned that the Fedora folks might not accept software released under the MS-PL. So I asked. I also bcc’d a certain troll on said…

  • Zelda and the girls play

    This was far too difficult to post. I lost my username/password for youtube. Anyone remember my name? :)

  • CI build server produces Iron Python bins, too!

    Ivan has updated the build script to produce IronPython binaries as well as IronRuby. Get your fresh DLR-powered, mono-friendly, dynamic language implementations here: There are now links to source and binary tarballs as well as source zips on each of the build result status messages: I’ve been putting some effort in to getting…

  • I was going to write an opinion article….

    But then I thought better of the idea. Anyone who still takes bn seriously after the recent terrorist actions is likely not going to be swayed by facts, proof of their hypocrisy, their total lack of participation in the community and failure to engage with campaigns they claim to support. Rather than taking the time…

  • Parsing English Language (if you consider IRC logs to qualify)

    Haha. I wrote this on October 3rd, 2006. I started logging IRC conversations in 2005. I’ve got lots from #perl and #mono. I wonder if the n’ere-do-wells who frequent those channels will mind me using their public commentary to build an english language parser. I’ll make it “open source,” of course. Erhm, I mean Free…

  • Matthew Broderick broke The Music Man.

    I was reading Lefty’s recent blog post and was reminded (by way of a certain scene) of being pissed off by Broderick’s s/egg/globe/ in the 2003 production of The Music Man. I was going to put the following in the comments, but I decided not to in order to keep the conversation on topic :)…

  • Sorry for the downtime

    One of my servers (and co-incidentally, the one on which this blog is hosted) was down for the last week. I ran out of space on / and created a new lv to store the contents of /usr. I named the lv dom0-usr but referred to it as amd0-usr in /etc/fstab. It didn’t boot so…

  • Is Boycott Novell interested in fixing the problem?

    Roy, Would you like to work with me to fix the US patent system? I sure would like it if you’d stop saying mean things about the most active and effective Free Software developers I know. If we have to fix the broken patent system in order for you to stop giving F/OSS a black…

  • Using en_US.UTF-8 locale on Debian/Ubuntu

    NB: this write-up has been superseded. You should be reading this article instead. It took me a while to figure out how to make Larry’s postings to #perl6 not break my screen session. Now that I’ve figured it out, I’ll see if I can share it with y’all. In addition to screen and irssi displaying…

  • Everett Wireless Data Center

    I’m putting together a WISP, I guess. Here’s the mast in the basement prior to mounting it: Here’s the fancy antenna strapped to the chimney: Here’s the rack of computers that will be participating on the network: