Category: microsoft

  • From Lang.NET 2008 – Monday

    Monday 0815 So here I am. It snowed last night, so the drive down was a little crazy. I’ve arrived. They say I represent “Collier Technologies” instead of “” I hope nobody at work minds. The network is up, people are arriving, we were offered a continental breakfast, and things are going to get started…

  • Lang.NET 2008

    A few months ago, Mahesh Prakriya stopped by Amazon to discuss the recently merged IronPython project and the changes that it inspired in Microsoft’s .NET implementation. We exchanged email, and he invited me to this year’s Lang.NET symposium. I plan to look for volunteers to contribute to a Perl 6 implementation targeted to the CLI.…

  • Cocoa# is getting attention

    My inbox overflows with mail from the cocoa# list. If you’ve been wondering about the status of the project, you should check out the list. Cocoa# was my first Mono-related project. I started working on it while I was an SDET/SysAdmin for a Microsoft vendor in Seattle. Matt Westervelt and Rob Flickinger of Seattle Wireless…

  • my name in lights

    Hey, look. My name is mentioned down at the bottom. testing aggregator’s ability to de-dup this update

  • Isn’t the windows gtkglarea fancy?

    Updated @ 20061214T1717 Updated @ 20061215T1140

  • gtk and OpenGL

    I couldn’t sleep this morning. I woke up early and mostly watched Firefly. Between episodes, I hacked on gtkglarea and updated some of my bugs over at the gnome bugzilla system. I added a couple of components to the gtkglarea product page, namely build and docs. Next on my list of things to do for…

  • gtkglarea on win32

    After a long, long wait, GtkGLArea is now running on win32. I’ve put up a temporary package here until I merge the changes into cvs and put out an official package that plays nicely with the rest of the gtk+ platform. The next step, of course is GtkGLArea#, the C# wrapper around this library. And…

  • EricLippert01.wmv (video/x-ms-wvx Object)

    EricLippert01.wmv (video/x-ms-wvx Object) So… a while ago, I took arjen_lentz to Microsoft to meet with eric_lippert and talk about MySQL and Microsoft together-workingness. Eric talked about his work on LiNQ (if that’s how it’s spelled) and I took pictures. I didn’t really follow, but I bet the data folks in the audience will find this…

  • Mono stuff

    1) A.J. is writing unit tests against Microsoft.Xna. We’ll use these unit tests as a sort of specification for Mono.Xna. Same as the perl6 smoke tests. 2) Speaking of perl6, I saw Audrey Tang at work the other day. She’s traveling around working on the bits. She’s planning to visit Boston and Ximian on May…

  • Monocast II

    This week’s monocast features a charming and debonaire, sophisticated and well spoken guest. With great hair. You should really listen. Hi, mom. MonoCast Forums Subscribe: MonoCast AAC MonoCast MP3 MonoCast OGG