Category: gnome

  • Converting a windows install to a libvirt VM

    Reduce the size of your c: partition to the smallest it can be and then turn off windows with the understanding that you will never boot this system on the iron ever again. Boot into a netinst installer image (no GUI). hold alt and press left arrow a few times until you get to a…

  • When was the last time you upgraded from squeeze to wheezy?

    Wow. 3G delta. I haven’t booted this laptop for a while… I think I’m finally ready to make the move from gnome2 to gnome3. There are bits that still annoy me, but I think it’s off to a good start. Upgrading perl from 5.10 to 5.14. cjac@calcifer:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade Reading package lists… Done Building…

  • Getting started with gtk♯

    This is a quick tutorial for getting a first gtk-sharp app up and going. Install MonoDevelop $ sudo apt-get install monodevelop libgtk2.0-cil-dev Start MonoDevelop It’ll be in your GNOME application menu under Applications->Programming->MonoDevelop Create a new Gtk# Project Run project You can run this boilerplate by pressing Ctrl-F5 Using the Designer Double-click on the file…

  • More DLR work

    Ivan put up a hudson server on our winders box. Ankit helped me figure out the IronRuby xbuild build problems. I should probably try it on IronPython, too. I sent the ironruby-core list a patch to fix some case sensitivity issues. Some time in the near future, I’m going to get together a bug report…

  • Font for composing Lushootseed

    At the recommendation of David Beck, I have installed a TTF font from It took a few minutes for me to figure out how to get it going, but it was pretty straightforward after that. Here are some quick instructions for those of you running Debian variants such as Ubuntu. Fetch the zip files…

  • IRC logs for #ubuntu-us-wa

    Hello, google. I would like to introduce you to our chat logs. Chat logs, google. Google, chat logs. We will discuss things here such as Mono, GNOME and Debian. We may even use it to talk about work on the DLR project stuff.

  • Jenkara is building

    Okay… after this morning’s post, I decided to make Jenkara build. It is now. You can get it thus: $ svn co or $ wget You can build it with ye olde $ ./configure && make there’s no install target, so run it with $ cd src && ./jenkara but it doesn’t work…

  • GTK+ OpenGL work

    There’s an opening at Canonical that I’d like to take after the current contract is up. It’s an opening for a OpenGL dev on the Ubuntu desktop team. Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy working with my current group quite a bit. We’re building a pretty neat tool. However, building OpenGL into the GNOME desktop…

  • GDK on Quartz

    I’m intrigued by the work being done by Imendio and friends on GDK on the Quartz back end. Until recently, running gtk+ applications such as Monodevelop and The GIMP required that the optional X11 implementation be installed to an OS X machine. Imendio has been investing time in working on the quartz implementation of gdk,…

  • An update

    I don’t really have anything really exciting to report, so y’all get to listen to me blather. And after all, that’s what blogs are for anyway, right? Zelda is turning 11 months old this month. This is still my favorite picture: I have been dishonorably discharged from Amazon. It seems that I am incompetent. It…