Category: Free Software

  • GNOME Foundation broken?

    I heard a rumor today that the GNOME foundation is fundamentally broken. Thoughts? Why would someone say this? Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Aug/02 Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Jul/19 Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Jun/25 Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Jun/07 Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Mar/22 Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Mar/15 Minutes…

  • Second Life on Linux

    Someone should do something with these, or I’m going to do it myself. libsecondlife GtkGLAreaSharp Tao

  • Open Source/Free Software Video Editing Software?

    Can someone help me out here? I’d like to import video from my camera (firewire) as either DV or run through my favorite codec, and write it to disk. I would then like to be able to crop, cut, and paste certain frames from the whole movie and store them as “clips” or some similar…

  • Tao 2.0 in the wild

    Congrats to David, Vlad, Randy and the rest of the Tao folks! David has recently contributed a number of patches that provide an autotools build environment for Tao. Not only that, but it now builds on mingw (or so rumor has it). This greatly increases the Tao library’s accessibility, and I predict that it will…

  • I’m at OSCON

    I’m making videos. I need to learn how to compress some of these iMovies snippets into something consumable by the general public via “podcasting” software. Who knows what formats *everybody* can watch / listen to on *all* platforms? What does VLC support? I’ll target VLC as the media player and I plan to set…

  • Mono On Rails

    Web 2.0 compatible I’ve just released v0.0.1V (where V stands for “vapor”). get a copy from our fancy distribution mechanism

  • gtkglarea-sharp clarification

    22:33 -!- Irssi: Starting query in 130 with Sandriman 22:33 <Sandriman> Okay, I have been asking for it for several times, but since we’re obviously in such different time zones that unless I become noctural, I cannot seem to make it online simultaneously with you :) 22:33 <Sandriman> nocturnal that is* >_< 22:33 <Sandriman> Anyway,…

  • State of the C.J. – 20060625

    C.J. Blathers about recent major changes in his life. Mail me for credentials.

  • Quake mdl loader bits and a (more) managed gtkglarea-sharp

    So… Now that I’m unemployed, I’ve got a few minutes to work on some mono stuff. I’ve committed a quake .mdl file loader to the GtkGLAreaSharp examples directory. I’ve got plans to display the model using the framework, but that’s not quite finished yet. On #mono today, someone asked for an interesting feature. They think…

  • Shaking things up

    It’s been a hectic week, and it’s only Tuesday. My wife and I recently made a decision to move on from MySQL. My passion is software development, and my experience doesn’t lend itself well to database development. Therefore, I’m returning to Amazon on Monday, if my intel is correct. Through a strange series of coincidences,…